The Role of WOMEN in Nazi Germany. The Traditional Role of Women within Weimar Germany... Population growth down Women to work - professionals. Voting.


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Presentation transcript:

The Role of WOMEN in Nazi Germany

The Traditional Role of Women within Weimar Germany... Population growth down Women to work - professionals. Voting rights - equality. Chance for education. Modern women were more visible.

Nazi Policies towards Women... IDEOLOGY –slogan ‘ KINDER, KIRCHE, KUCHE’ (children, church, cooking) –Based on two fears -1) German population = too slow 2) Fear that the Germans were becoming impure. –Women’s intellect - NOT IMPORTANT … forced out of jobs.

How Ideology was to be enforced... Give up jobs - stay at home Generous social security benefits. Interest free marriage loans. Maternity homes ‘ Lebensborn’ - breeding pure Aryan children => first sign of selective breeding in the world.

Commandments for the choice of a spouse.

Areas of Life controlled by Nazi policies

WELFARE AIM : Develop healthy Germans POLICIES : NS - Volkswohlschaft (NSV_ The Nationalist Social Welfare Organisation. Vast extension of healthy services.

Areas of Life controlled by Nazi policies EDUCATION AIM : Prepare women for their proper role restrict opportunitiesPOLICIES: Limited university enrollment of women. (to 10%)

Area of Life under Nazi Germany.

AIM Public Life : AIM Organise women and incorporate them in the Nazi Volkgemeinschaft. No female members of the Reichstag permitted. Two women’s organisations permitted : *NSF : National Socialist Women’s organisation. *DFW - German Women’s enterprise.

Nazi Organisations for Women : Jung Madel (young girls) : BDM (League of German Girls) : Glaube and Schonheit (faith and beauty) NSF : An umbrella organisation co- ordinating existing women’s organisations to bring them into line with official ideology. DFW : Set up to develop and elite of women committed to Nazi Ideology. RAD and DAF women’s sections. The welfare organisation NSV (Nationalist people’s socialist welfare) relied greatly on paid and volunteer female labour.

Nazi Policies : Success or failure? Nazi policies acted against traditional family values. Between = number of births increased however, it’s link to the Nazi Population policy is uncertain. Increase in the number of divorces. Shortage of affordable housing for couples. Accommodation suited for big families = hard to find.