Action Plan Educator Academy May 2011 Taiwan
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy Taiwan Nelson Nan- Shyan Chu Director General National Taiwan Science Education Center Chun-Yen Chang Research Chair Prof. & Director of Sci. Edu. Center National Taiwan Normal University Rachel Liu Intel Education Program Manager, Taiwan Jiun-Huei Proty Wu Physics Professor National Taiwan University
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 3 High Level Goals What do you want to accomplish for your school, region or country? Look at long-term (3-5 years) and short- term goals (1-2 years) Long term goals Seek support from National Science Council to fund Young Scientist Development Program and High-Scope Curriculum Program to promote project-based learning in schools. Short term goals 1.Host Intel Thinking Tools (Visual Ranking, Seeing Reason and Showing Evidence) workshops to enhance pedagogical content knowledge of elementary school teachers. 2.STEM committee comprises of research scientists & professional staffs are established to promote STEM education.
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 4 Objectives How will you know you succeeded? Please list the results you want to see Long Term Young Scientist Development Program (increase to 60 projects) and High-Scope Curriculum Program (from 28 to 56 schools) Short Term 1.Host 2 Intel Thinking Tools (Visual Ranking, Seeing Reason and Showing Evidence) workshops to enhance pedagogical content knowledge of elementary school teachers. 2. STEM committee comprises of research scientists & professional staffs are established to promote STEM education.
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 5 Action Plan ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible? Deadline? 1.Support Teaching practices do project based learning: Organize regional forum to orient science teachers to promote science fairs among students. Seek support from National Science Council to fund Young Scientist Development Program (increase to 60 projects) and High-Scope Curriculum Program (from 28 to 56 schools) to promote project-based learning in schools Prof. Chun-Yen Chang of National Taiwan Normal University July Enhance Pedagogical Content Knowledge efficiently. Host Intel Thinking Tools (Visual Ranking, Seeing Reason and Showing Evidence) workshops to enhance pedagogical content knowledge of elementary school teachers. Prof. Greg of National Taiwan Normal University Dec Lacking research scientists or professional staffs to promote the STEM education STEM committee comprises of research scientists & professional staffs is established to promote STEM education. Prof. Chun-Yen Chang & Prof. Jiunn- Huei Proty Wu Dec. 2011
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 6 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Reflection - To be done… Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy Science Research Program Team spirit. -Which Shop Talks were the most beneficial for your team? “Taking a Successful Science Research Program to the Next Levels” & “Wise-Up and Keep Your Girls Hooked on Science”. -What would you improve? Improve students involvement in research projects. -What types of Shop Talks were missing? 1.Policy level officials give shoptalk regarding the support of Government. 2.NSF and NASA of U.S.A. out-reach funded programs to share their experience.
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 7 Optional Pictures Slide
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy