Report on Website Project Website Committee Srilal Fonseka Ransirimal Fernando Pradeep Alwis Prepared by Pradeep Alwis
Objectives Strategic Context Phase 1 Accomplishments Look and Feel Expenses Proposed Features for Future Releases Get Involved and Support the Project
Strategic Context Allow members to share information with outside Network with other useful organizations Rely on our own innovation and shared knowledge Maintain a high quality professional Website Add features to the site in phases
Phase 1 Accomplishments Domain name,, registration Design the logo and the site map Choose a web hosting environment Implement graphics, page templates and workflow scripts Implement the ‘Events and Activates’ pages Released on November 01, 2009
Look and Feel
Expenses Item Provider AmountContributor Domain Name Registration, 5 year contract $97.50US Ransirimal Fernando Web hosting Go, Deluxe Windows hosting, 1 year contract $87.98CADPradeep Alwis
Proposed Features for Future Releases Contact information and page Useful links to professional associations, government agencies, and other community groups Online membership application, and approval process Database to store membership records Support for organizing and managing events Document archive News letter
Get Involved and Support the Project Expect a cost of around $200 per year to host and maintain the site Seeks approval and acceptance from membership to allow business advertising by members and/or Sri Lankan business community in Canada Urge membership to promote the site, report errors and make suggestions Provide ideas for new features and help implement them
strive to build an inclusive forum