Pepperdine Waves 7D Kellie Britt- Science Steve Smith- Math Jill Meador- Language Arts Beth Hamilton- Social Studies
Tonight’s Agenda Curriculum overview –Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies Important information –STI, Late Work, Agenda Checks, Tutoring, Twitter, Team T-shirt orders & Scrips Fundraiser
Science 1 st quarter –Tectonic Plates –Earthquakes and Volcanoes –Rocks and Minerals –Scientific Method 2 nd quarter –Solar System –Planets, Constellations, Stars –Moon: Tides, Eclipses, etc. –Seasons 3 rd quarter –Ecosystems: environmental risks, benefits, and possible solutions –Food chains: predator/prey, limiting factors –Adaptations 4 th quarter –Effects of Media and Technology –Adolescent Health Behaviors –Decision Making Process
Language Arts Full implementation of Common Core Standards to include: - Greek / Latin roots –Functional text –Writing process –Analyze literature –Expository text –Research process –Persuasive text –Elements of Literature –Historical & Cultural Aspects –Expressive writing –Literature vocabulary –Comprehension strategies –Plot mapping -Narrative writing Ongoing: Vocabulary, Writing Traits, Independent Reading Projects, class reads and small literature groups
Mathematics Strand 1: Number Sense and Operations Number Sense Numerical Operations Estimation Strand 2: Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Data Analysis (Statistics) Probability Discrete Math Systematic Listing and Counting Vertex Edge Graphs (networks) Strand 3: Patterns, Algebra and Functions Patterns Functions and Relationships Algebraic Representations Analysis of Change Strand 4: Geometry and Measurement Geometric Properties Transformations of Shapes Coordinate Geometry Measurement Strand 5: Logic and Structure Algorithms and Algorithmic Thinking Logic, Reasoning, Arguments, and Mathematical Proof 7th grade Mathematics Strands (7th math/7th honors math)
Social Studies 1 st Quarter: Slavery & Abolition Civil War Causes Reconstruction 2 nd Quarter: Human Migration The Immigrant Experience Industrialization 3 rd Quarter: Imperialism Factors leading to WWI World War I 4 th Quarter: The Great Depression Factors leading to WWII Economics & Personal Finance
STI This site will be updated frequently with your student’s grades. Please check STI with your student on a regular basis (weekly) to ensure a successful year in 7 th grade. Can be accessed from the 7D Team PageTeam Page
Make-Up Work and Late Work Students are responsible for obtaining make-up work (additional help is available during tutoring) One day is given for each day absent Late Work Policy (per school policy)** –One day late – 25% off –Two days late – 50% off –Three days late – ZERO credit (assignments/projects cannot be made up) **NOTE: The assignment will be graded and then the deduction will be taken.
Check Agendas Please check your student’s agenda for classwork (CW) and homework (HW) Every Monday, a 7D teacher will do an agenda check of the preceding week for points
Tutoring Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Begins August 16 8:15AM –Monday: Smith –Wednesday: Hamilton –Friday: Britt & Meador Tutoring is beneficial for students to catch up on missed work, get clarification of concepts, or have a quiet place to work on projects.
Team T-shirts! Order forms are in the back of the room. Only $12.00! Please get order forms in to Mr. Smith ASAP!
Scrips Santan Booster Club Fundraiser Gift Cards and Certificates –Same as those available in stores –Everyday purchases Before and After School in the Office –Cash or Check
Twitter You can now get updates for Santan Athletics and other news bulletins by following !
Thank You For Joining Us! Have a wonderful evening! Please feel free to contact us via if you have any questions or concerns!