G.K. Garipov 1, B.A. Khrenov 1, P.A. Klimov 1, V.S. Morozenko 1, M.I. Panasyuk 1, V.I. Tulupov 1, V.M. Shahparonov 1, S.A. Sharakin 1, S.I. Svertilov 1, N.N. Vedenkin 1, I.V. Yashin 1, H.I Salazar 2, O.B. Martinez 2, E.L. Ponce 2, J.P. Cotsomi 2, I.H. Park 3. 1-D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Russia. 2-University of Puebla (BUAP), Puebla, Mexico. 3-Research Center of MEMS Space Telescope, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. Night Atmosphere Radiation in and nm Wavelengths Ranges, Measured by “Universitetsky-Tatiana-2” Satellite September 6-11, 2010 Nor Amberd, Armenia
“Universitetsky-Tatiana-2” scientific payload (launched on September 17, 2009 to orbit of 830 km height and 98.8˚ inclination) Detector of UV ( nm) and Red- IR radiation ( nm). Electron flux detector of area 400 cm 2 UV and Red-IR detector: 1-entrance collimators, 2- PMT for UV, 3-PMT for Red, 4-electronics. CP (charged particle) detector: 1- scintillation plate, 2- light guide-convertor, 3- PM tube. “Digital oscilloscope” time sample is 1 ms Oscilloscope race duration is 128 ms. Event selection integration time is 1 ms. The brightest event in 1 minute is finally recorded.
Universitetsky-Tatiana-2 night atmosphere UV radiation monitoring data At moonless nights the darkest places on Earth in UV light are Sahara desert, Siberia, Southern regions of Pacific and Atlantic oceans (UV intensity ph/cm 2 s sr). The brightest are the aurora oval regions (UV intensity up to ph/cm 2 s sr – “Tatiana-1” data) and regions above large cities or industrial regions (up to ph/cm 2 s sr). Those data are important for planning the Extreme Energy Cosmic Ray measurements from Satellites. Night cities lights
Universitetsky-Tatiana-2 night atmosphere IR radiation monitoring data The industrial regions are also well seen in IR wavelength. The enhancement of measured intensity is observed in the South Atlantic Anomaly region. Probably it is connected with light, produced by charged particles in detector (filter, entrance PMT window)
Universitetsky-Tatiana-2 charge particles monitoring data CP detector is designed for measurements of msec pulses. It is not sensitive to average low flux of charged particles. On the world map, obtained by “Tatiana-2” satellite only the particle flux at South Atlantic Anomaly is clearly seen (> 10 2 el/cm 2 s). In aurora regions the particle flux is near detector sensitivity threshold. There is no signals of charged particles synchronous to UV flashes.
World maps of UV flash events.
Flashes classification based on temporal profile features. Class1234 Number of flashes, %
Serials of flashes UV-R-IR detector frequently measured serials of flashes along the night orbit. Number of flashes (N) in serial varied from 3 to 11 (one flash per minute). In 1 months 56 serials were recorded. Most of serials were observed above land. N Above land Above ocean Above coast Flashes in one serial are of various types
Serials of flashes and the geomagnetic equator. Part of serials is symmetrical to equator and could be related to electrons trapped by geomagnetic field. The Southern Hemisphere latitudes >30 o are at the day side. Sahara is evidently region restricted to flash events.
Serials of flashes and clouds. Many flashes occurs above clouds and can be related to thunderstorms, but frequently there are no clouds under measured flashes. Pictures above show two such event examples. Further statistical analysis of all events will be done.
Conclusions 1.The detailed map of UV average intensity is obtained by “Tatiana-2” data. This map is important for planning orbital high energy cosmic rays measurements. 2.Map of charge particles signal was also obtained. Measurements of CP flux in SAA have shown that charge particle detector works properly. The CP signal synchronous to UV flashes was not detected. 3.Measured flashes have various temporal profiles. Two types of flashes: 1) events with clear structure of short (1-3 ms) pulses and events with longer structure are separated as different in energy release to UV photons and different in world distribution. 4.The serials of flashes are measured with number of flashes within one serial (number of flashes in one serial: from 3 to 11). Serial contain flashes of various types and occur more frequently above land. 5.There are flashes not connected with lightning (no clouds under the flash). The origin of those flashes is under analysis.