L L ocal Action Group in Finland
LEADER II as well as nationally financed POMO programme during 1997 – 1999 gave good results in rural development Conclusion: Local Action Group is a model of rural development that should be continued and extended further Result: Mainstreaming of local action groups into other rural development programmes L L ocal Action Group in Finland
L L ocal Action Groups Leader+ groups (Leader+ Program) 19.5 LAGs financed in Regional Rural Development Program 6.5 LAGs financed in Objective 1 development plans adapted to implement also the respective program POMO+ 7 national financing local action groups Programme document contains basic features of Leader+ (Action 1) LEADER method has been fully mainstreamed into four other programmes in addition to Leader+ 58 LAGs covering 419 municipalities out of 432 (center of large cities and a few small cities remain outside)
L L ocal Action Group in Finland LEADER+ -action group POMO+ - action group ALMA - action group Objective 1, Northern Finland - action group Objective 1, Eastern Finland - action group Border of Objective 1 - Programme
area-based approach bottom-up approach local partnership innovation multi-sectoral integration inter-territorial co-operation (incl. transnational co-operation) networking decentralised management and financing L L EADER method used in all LAGs
Members of the board of the LAG: 1/3 representatives of municipalities 1/3 local associations and enterprises 1/3 rural inhabitants National public financing: Municipalities of the LAG area must cover 20 % of total public financing National Network Unit financed nationally and serves all local action groups C C ommon features for all LAGs in Finland
P P reconditions for Powerfull LAGs A LAG is a mixed group A LAG has real power with own global grant money LAG's own plan and programme Wide range of projects In the board of the LAG own quotas for different partners Goodwill of regional and national authorities Good results on the basis of living civil society
R R Council Regulation European Rural Strategy National Rural Strategy (whole Finnish territory) National Rural Development Programme (Finnish continent / Åland Islands) Axis 1 (abx %) ural Development Strategy and Preparation of the Finnish Programme for Adopted in the Council Adopted Commission Regulations Implementation, control and transitional provisions, completed in autumn 2006 If ready, after national finance framework is read -> Commission Several working groups involved reparation of prog-ramme. Ex- ante evaluation is completed. In moment draft is in internet- pages to all citizens to comment on it. Axis 3 (abx %) Axis 2 (abx %) Axis 4 LEADER methodology (abx %) Local strategies - Leader- application Local strategies and application ready 15 December 2005, spring 2006 evaluation made and feedback given in May ready end September. Final selection after legislation ready – beginning 2007 Preparation of national legislation and implementation Started
Preparation for program period Planned timetable National Rural development strategy – summer 2006 Rural Programme (continent of Finland) – summer 2006 Regional rural program (TE-centre) – Feedback , ready autumn 2006 Local rural program (LAGs) – Feedback , ready autumn Final selection end 2006 or beginning 2007 LEADER- method is used (axes 4) in all axes (1, 2 and 3) Aim is to have LAG work all over in Finland P P rogramme period
R R epartition of Leader in programme period Information by letters Local actions groups (local people, local and regional administration…) National level (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, LAG work group, several working groups and committees…) year 2004 year 2005 year 2006 year 2007 Seminars - discussions Call for tender – Leader LAG telling selection criteria applications Feedback of local strategies Comments for Finland Continental Rural Development programme Comments for National Strategies Finland Continental Rural Development programme Seminars - discussions Final applications Selection of Leader LAGs
L L ocal Actions Groups Almost projects have already started (end of 2005). Total number of projects in Finnish LAG work will be probably around Some results + Actual local projects, activate local people and new people + Social capital is growing + LAGs very good activate female and young people + Very much training, activating and information is made + New jobs created, several people are working in projects and some impact to business activity Problems - Bureaucracy and lack of personal resources To improve: Continuation and quality of activities and Promotion of learning and networking
local people, enterprises, farms and residents Local Action Group Board 1/3 representatives of municipalities 1/3 local associations and enterprises 1/3 rural inhabitants Project munici- palities Project worker
A A dministrative model
F F inancing model MUNICI- PALITIES LOCAL ACTION GROUP LAG MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY NETWORK UNIT municipal project funding RURAL DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTRE PROJECT n private funding National funding project- and administrative funding (EU and State) project funds (EU and State) administrative funding (EU and State) project- and administrative funding (municipalities)