MentalSocial Physical
The Health Triangle Physical Health: the conditions of a person’s body. A proper diet, exercise, and the right amount of sleep are examples of keeping the body in good physical condition. Mental Health: the condition of a person’s mind and the ways that person expresses their feelings. Understanding one’s own feelings, and being able to express them in healthful ways are ways to maintain good mental (and emotional) health. Social Health: the condition of a person’s relationships with family members and others. Expressing yourself, and working toward positive interactions with people are important for social health.
Factors That Affect Health Status Knowledge: do you have the proper information and understand it as it relates to your health? Access: do you have access to the information and/or products that affect your health? With no access, your health status can be compromised. Behavior: do you engage in risk-taking behavior? Media influences: are you influenced by the explosion of healthy or harmful health behaviors which saturate the media? (Internet, TV, music, etc.) Communication skills: do you the proper communication and/or resistance skills when it comes to sharing thoughts, feelings, and information regarding your health? Do you have good conflict- resolution skills? Heredity: are you aware of any “family” issues that would affect your health, both in a healthful or harmful way? Environment: do you live in an environment that does not promote healthy behavior?
What is Wellness? It's a word that's used a lot these days, and I'm sure you hear it all the time. It's a buzz word almost, and traditionally, health and wellness have been thought of as the mere absence of disease and disability. This is known as the medical model, and the problem with it is that it promotes the idea that one cannot be well while living with a disability. In recent years there has been new thinking in this area and it has led to the development of newer models of health and there are numerous different models. Basically, the wellness model that people adhere to today moves beyond that traditional notion of health and wellness as being the mere absence of disease to the optional functioning of each individual regardless of current health status or disability. So, wellness exists on a continuum and is unique to each individual person. Each of us defines our own wellness. It's hard to say, you know, you're well or you're not well. That's not the way it works. It's a unique thing based on our individual circumstances. And wellness in this view is also seen as a holistic concept. It's looking at the whole person and not just at your blood pressure level or how much you weigh, or how well you manage your stress. It's not one thing; it's all of these things connected. Wellness involves the spiritual, the body, the mind, and the concept dimensions.
Health vs. Wellness Health and wellness are not synonyms. Health refers simply to a physical body being free from diseases, but wellness is an overall balance of your physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-being. Wellness is a lifestyle and is not an end to be acheived. Wellness means that one strives for balance throughout his whole life. On the other hand, health would be that a person wants to lose weight and lower blood pressure. Once he does this, he is considered healthy. Health is a goal one can acheive while wellness is a dynamic concept that continues for a lifetime.
Dimensions of Wellness Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. It is a process means that improvement is always possible. Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments. There are 8 Dimensions of Wellness we have discussed.
8 Dimensions of Wellness Social: Social wellness is having positive interactions with and enjoying being with others. Occupational: Occupational wellness is related to one's attitude about one's work. Spiritual: The spiritual dimension of wellness involves seeking meaning and purpose in human existence. It asks the question “who am I and why am I here”? Physical: The physical dimension of wellness encourages cardiovascular flexibility and strength and also encourages regular, physical activity. Intellectual: Intellectual Wellness is having a curiosity and strong desire to learn. It is valuing many experiences, staying stimulated with new ideas, and sharing. Emotional: The emotional dimension of wellness emphasizes an awareness and acceptance of one's feelings. Environmental: Lead a lifestyle that is respectful of our environment. This includes respecting nature and those species living in it. Financial: Financial wellness is having an understanding of your financial situation and taking care of it in such a way that you are prepared for financial changes.