Health and Wellness Lesson Plans By: John Mitchell and Brandi King
InTASC Standard Page Standard #7: Planning for Instruction ▪ The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. ▪ Name of Artifact: Integrated Health/PE Lesson Plan ▪ Date: March 12 th, 2015 ▪ Course: EDUC 240-Intro to Physical and Health Education ▪ Brief Description: I developed two lesson plans that integrate different subjects into personal health and wellness aspects of physical and health education for 2 nd and 3 rd grade for lesson 1 and 4 th through 6 th grade for lesson 2. In the lesson plans the students will be demanded to do activities physically, mentally, and socially. ▪ Rationale: To document my understanding of InTASC Standard 7, Planning for Instruction, I have designed two lesson plans that will implement habits to use for living a healthy lifestyle. Integrating different subjects with class participation and a group setting will help motivate, learn, and achieve goals academically and physically.
National Health Education Standards Lesson Plan #1 Standard #4: Students achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard #6: Students value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. Lesson Plan #2 Standard #6: Students value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
Lesson Plans Lesson Name: WHAT AM I? ▪ Target Grade Levels: 2 nd and 3 rd ▪ Activity duration: 45 minutes Lesson Name: COUNTING ON MY HEALTH ▪ Target Grade Levels: 4 th through 6 th ▪ Activity Duration: 45 minutes
Indiana Health or P.E. Education Academic Standards ▪ Lesson #1 ▪ Standard #1: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activites. – Perform locomotor skills proficiently and in combinations with developmental appropriate challenges. Key Ideas and Details from the Literacy Standard for P.E. 2.RI.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Indiana Health or P.E. Education Academic Standards ▪ Lesson # 2 – Indiana Health Standard #6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal- setting skills to enhance health. – Standard # : Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.
Measurable Objectives ▪ Lesson #1 ▪ Journals/Diaries ▪ Graded work ▪ Building relationships with students and parents/guardians ▪ Lesson #2 ▪ Journals/ Personal Charts ▪ Graded work ▪ Building relationships with students and parents/guardians
Preparation Lesson #1 ▪ Step 1: Write explanation and instructions on the board ▪ Write out paragraphs for each food item that give healthy and fun facts about them. ▪ Step 3: Line up tables and chairs against the walls in classroom or go into hallway. ▪ Step 4: Set up orange cones with distance between them from the start and stopping points. ▪ Step 5: Put food into the bucket and set them at the stopping cone. ▪ Step 6: Place paragraphs next to the bucket of food items
Preparation Lesson #2 ▪ Step 1: Set up tables with 4 chairs at each station ▪ Step 2: Make menus with a variety of foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for each station. ▪ Step 3: Write instructions on the board. ▪ Step 4: Have pencils, paper, and calculators for back up.
Equipment/Material/Supplies Lesson Plan #1 ▪ Plate ▪ Food ▪ Paper with paragraphs about food on them ▪ Cones ▪ Space/hallway ▪ Journal/Diary ▪ Pen/pencil ▪ Bucket Lesson Plan #2 ▪ List of nutrition facts ▪ Food and drink list for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (menu) ▪ Tables ▪ Chairs ▪ Paper ▪ Pen/pencil ▪ Calculator
WHAT AM I??? ▪ Step 1: Explain and give examples on how to do the different locomotor skills (jumping, hopping, and etc.) ▪ Step 2: Get into groups of 4 to 6 next to a cone ▪ Step 3: First two people in each group will do an activity to the next cone. ▪ Step4: When at the 2 nd cone, one student will read the paragraph about the food to the other while in motion. ▪ Step 5: 2 nd student has to pull the object that is described in the paragraph out of the bucket ▪ Step 6: Run back after completing the task, and the next 2 people do step 3 through 6. (make sure each person reads and identifies the object) ▪ Step 7: At the end of the activity, each student will write about what they learned from the lesson in their journal/diary.
COUNTING ON MY HEALTH! ▪ Step 1: Organize students into the groups of 4 at the tables. ▪ Step 2: Make sure students have their materials for the lesson. ▪ Step 3: Students write down what they ate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the day before and calculate the total # of calories form their diet. ▪ Step 4: Provide the information for a healthy 2000 calorie a day intake. ▪ Step 5: Have each student read through a menu of food items to pick out and calculate the total amount of calories for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that follows the 2000 calorie diet. ▪ Step 6: Identify healthier choices for meals that fit 2000 calories. ▪ Step 7: Store each day into a their personal chart and journal so they can keep progress of their goal for living a healthy lifestyle.
Assessment of Activities Lesson Plan #1 ▪ Journal/Diary ▪ Give a Quiz based on the information in the lesson plan Lesson Plan #2 ▪ Grade their papers to make sure the calculations and choice of food are correct. ▪ Journal ▪ Personal Goal Chart
Accommodations/Success for ALL Lesson Plan #1 ▪ Have a list with ingredients and description of food. ▪ Find alternate activities for the people to do if they cannot run in place or be active in general. ▪ Work in groups so students can help one another. Lesson Plan #2 ▪ List of ingredients ▪ Give step by step instruction on how to calculate the calories. ▪ Explain, write, and demonstrate instructions out for students before doing the activity. ▪ Work in groups so students can help one another.
Safety Concerns ▪ Lesson #1 ▪ Bumping into other children and getting hurt. ▪ Food allergies. ▪ Lesson #2 ▪ Food allergies. ▪ Students with diabetes, low/high blood pressure, or any other health issues that could be affected from a diet.
Reference ▪ Kovar, S. (2012). Elementary classroom teachers as movement educators (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill