Temptation If the devil was tempting you to do one of the following, what would he say to persuade you? Lie about finishing your homework to go out with your friends Take some money from your mum’s purse Stay at home to play x-box instead of going to church
After his baptism, Jesus went into the desert, to struggle with temptation - so he could be sure that the devil had no hold over him. To describe the three ways Jesus was tempted To explain why the temptations were bad suggestions. To evalute which temptation was most difficult for Jesus to resist. 1.Explain why Jesus went into the desert to be tempted. 2.What might the devil tempt Jesus to do? **why was being challenged by the devil important for Jesus to face?
Jesus’ 3 Temptations Watch the clip. Then take turns to describe to your partner what Jesus was tempted to do.
Devil: Use God’s power to please yourself! Turn stones into bread! Devil: Obey Me, the devil, and I will make you a powerful ruler on earth ! Devil: show off your powers to prove who you are ! 1.Write out the devil’s temptation, and what Jesus replies – and draw a stick picture to show it. 2.Explain why each temptation was a bad idea for Jesus to follow, matching to the points below: to make Jesus go over to the devils side to prove who he is by amazing miracles, and not by truth and goodness to make himself famous by giving out food, rather than good teaching **Which temptation do you think would have been worst for Jesus to follow and why? Jesus’ replies (choose the one that matches the temptation) Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. You shall only serve and worship the Lord your God! You shall not put the Lord your God to the test !
Why were the devil’s suggestions BAD ideas? Choose the best answers to write your own. The devil wants Jesus to go over to the devils side to prove who he is by amazing miracles, and not by truth and goodness to make himself famous by giving out food, rather than good teaching **Which temptation do you think was the most difficult for Jesus to resist?
What sort of temptations are you exposed to ? Why are they bad for you? Think of a way someone in Yr7 might be tempted. Write a letter telling them 1.what the devil might be saying to persuade them to do it 2.explain why it would be bad for them to give in. 3.Give advice about what they should think/ do to stand up to it. Due Friday 30th