Judaism Miscellaneous Christianity Islam $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Miscellaneous Judaism ChristianityIslam $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Miscellaneous $100 Islamic place of worship.
Miscellaneous $200 The desire for a cultural group to rule themselves as a separate country.
Miscellaneous $300 Scarcity of what natural resource has created many problems for some countries of SW Asia.
Miscellaneous $400 A religious set of beliefs based on a strict interpretation of a sacred text.
Miscellaneous $500 Meaning without religious influence.
Miscellaneous $100-Answer What is a mosque?
Miscellaneous $200-Answer What is nationalism?
Miscellaneous $300-Answer What is water?
Miscellaneous $400-Answer What is fundamentalism?
Miscellaneous $500-Answer What is secular?
Judaism $100 Belief in only one God.
Judaism $200 What is the name for the Jewish book of the law and who wrote it?
Judaism $300 Name for a Jewish place of worship.
Judaism $400 Modern Jews are generally part of 3 major divisions. What are they?
Judaism $500 Jerusalem is the Jewish capital. What King conquered it and made it the capital of his kingdom?
Judaism $100-Answer What is monotheism?
Judaism $200-Answer What is Torah and Moses?
Judaism $300-Answer What is a synagogue?
Judaism $400-Answer What is Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform?
Judaism $500-Answer Who was David?
Christianity $100 What is the primary book for Christianity?
Christianity $200 According to Jews and Muslims, Jesus of Nazareth was a prophet. Who do Christians believe He is?
Christianity $300 What city-state is home to the Roman Catholic Church?
Christianity $400 What are the three main divisions within Christianity?
Christianity $500 What is the distinctive Christian belief that God is One in essence but also three distinct persons?
Christianity $100-Answer What is the Bible?
Christianity $200-Answer What is the Messiah? (acc. Christ, Savior or Son of God)
Christianity $300-Answer What is the Vatican City?
Christianity $400-Answer What are Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant?
Christianity $500-Answer What is the Holy Trinity?
Islam $100 Who is the prophet of Islam?
Islam $200 What is the holy book for Islam?
Islam $300 What is the language of Islam?
Islam $400 Name 2 of the 3 most important cities in Islam.
Islam $500 What are 3 of the 5 pillars of Islam?
Islam $100-Answer Who is Muhammad?
Islam $200-Answer What is the Koran?
Islam $300-Answer What is Arabic?
Islam $400-Answer What are Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem?
Islam $500-Answer What are: 1)Faith (One God - Allah) 2)Prayer (5 times a day) 3)Fasting (Ramadan) 4)Alms (Zakah) 5)Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Final Jeopardy People
Final Jeopardy Which three men are considered the patriarchs of the Jewish nation? Which one is considered the father of three major religions?
Final Jeopardy-Answer Who are: 1)Abraham 2)Isaac 3)Jacob And who is: 1)Abraham