Campaigns Synergy and Integration Chapter 8
What’s a campaign? “A series of ads for a product (or service or company) that work individually and cumulatively to communicate the advertiser’s message to a consumer.” Maxine Paetro
What’s a campaign? Common objective Unified theme Coordinated rollout Continuity – average campaign lasts 17 months
Extendibility Same look and feel used across several media
Repeatability Same look and feel used for multiple pieces within each medium
Repeatability and Extendibility
Maximize continuity Music Voice talent Characters (real or imaginary) Spokespersons Design Tagline Storyline Running joke
Consumer generated campaigns Not a “new” idea… Achieve marketing objectives? Generate good publicity/create buzz? Win friends for brand?
Campaign Examples
“Marlboro Country” Ad Campaign
Crystal Springs Campaign
Play-Doh Campaign
Subway’s “Jared” Campaign
LVCVA “Only Vegas” Campaign