Cardiothoracic Surgery
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
What is cardiothoracic surgery? Is it surgery involving heart? Is it surgery involving lungs? Or both? +++ some more
Valvotomy and valve replacement Why valvotomy? Valvular stenosis Valve regurgitation Traumatic valvular injury
Main valves of the heart
What’s valve replacement Valve replacement is replacing the diseased/ injured valve by a prosthetic valve. Prosthetic valve maybe Artificial Natural – e.g. Humans, pigs
Some examples of prosthetic valves
How is it done By open heart surgery or Minimally invasive radiographic procedures
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery
Open heart surgery Done when needed to repair a structure beyond endocardium. E.g. Valve replacement surgery Trauma Surgery
Cardiac bypass surgery Done to bypass an obstruction of the coronary arterial system.
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
Correction of congenital heart diseases Common congenital heart diseases Atrial septal defect Ventricular septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus Coarctation of aorta
Atrial septal defect A persistent opening between two atria Correction is done by placing an umbrella devise in the septum by an endoscopic procedure
Ventricular septal defect An opening between two ventricles Correction is done either by cardiac catheterization or by open heart surgery
Patent ductus arteriosus Correction is done by placing a stent by an intracardiac catheter.
Coarctation of aorta Correction is done by flap repair or End to end anastomosis of resection of narrowed segment
Repair of coarctation
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
Heart transplantation Cardiac transplantation is the procedure by which the failing heart is replaced with another heart from a suitable donor. The procedure is generally reserved for patients with end-stage congestive heart failure with a prognosis of less than a year to live without the transplant and who are not candidates for conventional medical therapy or have not been helped by conventional medical therapy.
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
Pacemakers Devices treat bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias and any other abnormality in cardiac rhythm.
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty
A catheter is a thin, flexible tube which is inserted into a coronary artery. The balloon at the tip of the catheter is blown up at the narrowed section of artery to force it wider. A 'stent' (a small tube) is left in place to keep the artery widened.
Topics Valvotomy and valve replacement Open heart surgery and cardiac bypass surgery Correction of congenital heart diseases Heart transplantation Pace maker implantation Coronary angioplasty and balloon angioplasty