Assessment of Treatment Results: Designed to evaluate the Patient’s Opinion of their response to Acupuncture Rx. u Following your Acupuncture Treatment u Is your Pain: More Freq., less freq., greatly less freq, No pain / never u Is your Pain: More severe, less severe, very much less severe, no pain u Has your range of movement: improved, greatly improved, full, unchanged, not limited before u General Questions: Included Age, Drug Usage and Sleep Disturbance. u Same question format used for surveys 1, 2 & 3.
Results of Acupuncture Rx using the Near & Far Technique. Survey % Referred Survey 3. NHMRC funded Survey 4. Brisbane Medical School ( Very complex, hostile wording. ? reason for low response rate)
Survey 2. Results u Follow up 6 months+ u Response rate 75%, Patient Number = 478 u Total number of specifically treated complaints = 912. = 1.98 per Patient. u Average number of treatments per patient = 7.8 u Average Pain duration varied with type / site of pain.
Survey 2. Results The Patient’s Opinion u Greatly Helped = Much less frequent to no pain. + Very much less severe to no pain (as a %) u Helped = Less freq. and less severe pain (as a %)
Survey 2. Low Back Pain u 136 cases u Acupuncture of Benefit ? Yes 119 No 17 u Greatly helped rate 56% Helped rate 30% Sleep Disturbance Improved - Back to normal 88%
. Survey 2. Headache. u 29 Myogenic, 14 Vascular, 3 mixed. u Average no. of treatments 7.8 u Acupuncture of Benefit Yes...91%. u Medication None - Greatly less 67%, less 16% Sleep improved - back to normal 90%
Survey 2. Cervicobrachial syndrome ( Neck and Arm Pain) u No of patients = 72 Average number of treatments 7.4. u Acupuncture of benefit? Yes 87% u Medication None-Greatly Decreased 46% Less 46% Sleep, improved - back to normal 83% %
Survey 2. Results The Influence of Pain Duration on Rx Effect u C.B.S. / Neck and Arm Pain Pain Duration: Helped Gp. 7.5 years Greatly Helped Gp. 4.3 years u Headache Pain Duration: Helped Gp. 7 years Greatly Helped Gp. 6 years Not Helped Gp. 13 years
Survey 2. Results The Influence of Pain Duration on Number of Acupuncture Rx’s u C.B.S / Neck and Arm pain Greatly helped with < 5 Acup. sessions 2.1 years Greatly helped with > 5 Acup. sessions 5.4 years u Headache Greatly helped with < 5 Acup. sessions 5.0 years Greatly helped with > 5 Acup. sessions 8.0 years
Survey 4. Brisbane Medical School Follow Years u 87% Severe to unendurable Pain. u State of pain immediately following course of Acupuncture. Worse1.6%* Same13.4% Better 52.7% No pain 32.3%
Worsened by Acupuncture Rx? u Patients whose pain worsens markedly following Acupuncture should be reassessed for a missed malignancy, large disc prolapse, R.S.D. or other severe pathology. ( A transient aggravation is freq. associated with the first couple of treatments, especially when marked warming of the periphery occurs.)
Survey 4. Brisbane Medical School Follow Years u Duration of Improvement for those reporting pain relief. Less than 2 weeks % 2 weeks - 3 months % More than 3 months...,, % Still better at time of survey %
Survey 4. University of Queensland Medical School: Follow Years In what way had the Pain Improved: u It occurred less frequently % u It was not as intense % u It was less intense & occurred less Frequently %
Summary: 10 High St. Results Our patients having suffered with severe to unendurable pain for many years were generally well pleased by their perceived long lasting pain relief, their diminished drug intake and improved sleep. Sympatholysis & Trigger Point Ablation!