UEVP General Assembly Brussels, 12th November 2009 Declan O’ Brien.


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Presentation transcript:

UEVP General Assembly Brussels, 12th November 2009 Declan O’ Brien

About EPRUMA European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals  Mission: Promote the responsible use of medicines in animals in the EU  Aim: Facilitate and promote a coordinated approach, involving all stakeholders, to ensure best practice in the responsible use of medicines in disease prevention and control thus promoting animal health and welfare

EPRUMA members  COPA-COGECA: Farmers and agri-cooperatives  EISA: European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture  FEFAC: Feed manufacturers  FESASS: Animal-health farmer organisations  FVE: Veterinarians  IFAH-Europe: Animal health industry

Best practice framework for the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals Translations available in Czech, English, Italian and Polish Translations under preparation in Dutch, French, German, Spanish & Ukranian

Translation needs Translations unnecessary in Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden & UK as National initiatives exist Translation requirements: Dutch (Belgium) French (Belgium & Switzerland), German (Belgium & Austria), Bulgarian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Turkish, etc.

The Context Volume Surveys Resistance Monitoring Lack of Innovation Future Availability

The Context Volume Surveys  Pilot project in 6 (?) Member States in 2010  Gather 2009 data  Refine & roll out project across the EU in 2011  Continue over time  Map volumes over time

The Context Resistance Monitoring  Detailed monitoring in at least 4 Member States  Methodology needs to be harmonised  Monitoring will spread across the EU  Report due from the Commission on November 18th

The Context Lack of Innovation  Macrolides in 1987  Pleuromutilins in 2007  1 new class in the veterinary field in 20 years!  Next new class in 2027 – 18 years from now???  Conclusions of an ECDC/EMEA report of September, 2009 re human medicines:  “There is a particular lack of new agents to treat infections…  A European and global strategy to address this gap is urgently needed”  EU/US initiative announced last week

The Context Future Availability  We need to keep what we have  We need to keep what we have working  We can hope that the future will be OK  Or we can make the future OK  As veterinarians, you are of key importance  You have the unique privilege to prescribe  With that privilege comes responsibility  Responsible Use is a responsibility

The Communication Responsibility  Translations in progress – can you help?  Print or make available via Websites  Communication  Veterinarians via mail or websites  Veterinarians via Continuous Professional Development  Veterinary Students – visit each faculty once per year  It is your choice to promote Responsible Use and to be seen to do so

Conclusion We have jointly created EPRUMA Responsible Use addresses volume & resistance issues at least in part We need to keep what we have & keep them working We can hope to have some influence over future availability if we shoulder our responsibility Responsible Use – “As little as possible, as much as necessary”