Revelation Latter-Day Israel
Revelation Babylon, which symbolizes the wickedness of the world, will be destroyed at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. If we follow God’s command to “come out of Babylon,” we will not partake of the sins of the world nor be overtaken in the plagues that will destroy it Revelation 18 D&C 133:1-15 In the last days, those Saints who have prepared themselves for the coming of the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) will be clothed in righteousness and invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb Revelation 19:5-9 D&C 58:8-12 All those who fight against the Lamb will be destroyed when Jesus Christ appears with “the armies which were in heaven” Revelation 19:14 Revelation 19: JST Revelation 19:18 D&C 133:46-51
Revelation 17 John is shown that Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations, has become established throughout the earth Revelation 18 The Saints are called out of Babylon lest they partake of her sins She falls and is lamented by her supporters Revelation 19 The marriage supper of the Lamb is made ready The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Revelation WhoreA person who accepts money to commit immoral acts; in this case it is symbolic of Babylon or the world FornicationImmoral acts; also the worship of idols BlasphemySayings and actions that insult or show disrespect for God and all He represents AbominationsA foul or detestable thing, obscene and offensive HarlotsA person who accepts money to commit immoral acts PerditionDestruction or ruin DesolateDestroyed
Revelation CurseRefers to the effects of the Fall of Adam and Eve Root and the offspring A descendant of David and rightful king of Davidof Israel; Jesus Christ PlaguesCurses, calamities DeliciouslyWickedly, seeking worldly pleasures Bewail her, and Be very sad for her, mourn lament for her NoughtNothing Cast dust on their headsA sign of sadness and mourning in Bible times
Revelation SorceriesMagic AlleluiaPraise to God! OmnipotentAll powerful ArrayedClothed LinenSmooth cloth made from flax VestureRobe Treadeth the winepressSee the help and drawing in RemnantThe ones left over, the remaining ones