Individual Subsystem Testing Report New Jersey Space Grant Consortium with Rutgers University Stevens Institute of Technology 2/13/2012
Mission Overview Mission statement o To collect and analyze data for future space research operations through various experiments designed and implemented on a payload. Experiments: o Atmospheric O3, CH 4, CO 2 o Vibration Piezo vibration of sensor plate o Temperature Infrared sensor pointed at inside of rocket skin
Functional Block Diagrams
Changes from CDR The SEN (sensor board) is built into the AVR board o Arduino Mega Shield
Schedule Update The project is slightly behind schedule due to late material procurement (i.e., CO2 sensor, ACV polycarbonate housing). This is not a major concern since all items are ordered and most of the subsystems have been constructed.
Subsystem Overview What are your subsystems? o Atmospheric Containment Vessel (ACV) o AVR Board o Electrical Power Supply (EPS) Who will discuss each subsystem? o ACV: Mike Giglia o AVR: Ethan Hayon o EPS: Sean Watts
Atmospheric Containment Vessel (ACV) Status o Re-Design of old ACV Instead of two halves being mounted to each other there is now a lid to allow for fittings to be mounted easily. o Problems with fabrication The poly carbonate that has been ordered is on back order so fabrication has not been possible unfortunately.
AVR Subsystem The AVR board consists of a custom manufactured shield for an Arduino Mega We are finishing up the prototyping phase. All of our sensors have been breadboarded (except the CO2 sensor, which we just received) Code has been written to read data from the IR temp sensor and the Accelerometer. o These code "modules" can easily be used with the final payload software.
AVR Subsystem Update We have successfully measured accelerometer and temperature data.
AVR Subsystem Update Data (Accelerometer x, y, z; IR Temp)
AVR Subsystem Update Measurements seem to be correct. Testing will take place to ensure the correct value for the temperature and accelerometer are correct. The code for the CO2 sensor is currently being written and will soon be tested.
Electrical Power Supply Subsystem Update We have successfully tested the power latching circuit with our AVR board. We have decided to use three 9v batteries connected in series to ensure we have the necessary 24v to power our pinch valves.
Electrical Power Supply Subsystem Update Our original power latch circuit did not work correctly with higher level loads, however our new circuit latches work properly to power our AVR board.
Activation Circuit Schematic
Plan for Subsystem Integration We have adjusted our schedule to accommodate late acquisition of the CO2 sensor. We are working on the design for the AVR shield. It will be sent to Batch PCB over the next two weeks for manufacture. The only major hurdle to overcome is the construction of the ACV and assembly of the payload plate. Once this is complete, the only remaining element will be electrical wiring and software.
Lessons Learned It is important to plan and design subsystems adequately prior to construction. o Create subsequent parts lists, schematics, and 3d models. What would you do differently? o More teammates would make organization an easier task. Rather than stop construction completely to work on a report, a small portion of the team would work on the report. What has worked well so far? o Meeting participation
Conclusions The payload is slightly behind schedule. We will work this week to catch up as much as possible.