Incorporating Pavement Management into the LRTP John Kiefer, P.E. Research Engineer Center For Technology and Training Michigan’s Local Technical Assistance.


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Presentation transcript:

Incorporating Pavement Management into the LRTP John Kiefer, P.E. Research Engineer Center For Technology and Training Michigan’s Local Technical Assistance Program Transportation Institute

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program

Long Range Transportation Plan What component is commonly missing? Network Level Metrics!!!

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Roads as an Asset

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Window of Opportunity Time Poor Preventative Maintenance Heavy Maintenance Light Rehabilitation Heavy Rehabilitation Asset Replacement Condition Rating CDP Excellent

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Managing Physical Assets the Nuts & Bolts Steps 1. Inventory 2. Condition (rating) 3. Predicting future condition 4. Managing network

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program You can’t manage what you don’t know you own 8 1.Inventory – What do I own?

PASER Pavement Condition Rating PASER – Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating Visual survey—based on sound engineering principles Measure of surface distress Scale of 1-10

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Predicting the Future Rules of thumb Past experience Professional opinion Model historical rating data

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Future Condition What will happen tomorrow?

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program 4. Network Level Measure Historical distribution NCPP Network Health National Center for Pavement Preservation Management System - RoadSoft Service Cycle

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Network Level Vs. Project Level Project: Moving pieces Network: Winning game

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Service Cycle How big is the network? How much of the network do I do work on? How long will it take to “touch” the entire network? Is this longer than the expected life of my pavement? EXAMPLE 500 lane mile road network Do 10 lane miles of work each year Takes 500/10 = 50 years to touch all of the network Asphalt pavement only last 15 years

Distribution Of Ratings

Getting Better Or Worse?

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program National Center for Pavement Preservation

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program NCPP Network Condition Health # Of Lane Miles in your network Same number of RSL lost each year How it works... Programmed Activity (reconstruction, chip seal, etc.) Fix Cost (per lane mile) Extended Service Life (ESL) # of Lane Miles Fixed Result Lane Mile Years per Fix Total for Entire Network

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program NCPP Network Condition Health MI Example—625 Lane Mile Network Programmed Activity Fix Cost per Lane Mile ESL Years # of Lane Miles of Fix Lane Mile Years Total Cost Reconstruction $530, $2,120,000 Rehabilitation $170, $1,020,000 Mill & Overlay $68, $340,000 Non Struc. Ovl. $32, $224,000 Crack Seal $4, $28, $3,732,800

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program NCPP Network Condition Health Group Exercise 625 Lane Mile Network $3,732,800 maximum budget Treatment candidate available lane miles Reconstruction = 150 lane miles Rehabilitation = 100 lane miles Mill & Overlay = 115 lane miles Non Structural Overlay = 80 lane miles Crack Seal = 100 lane miles Programmed Activity Fix Cost per Lane Mile ESL Years # of Lane Miles of Fix Lane Mile Years Total Cost Reconstruction $530, $2,120,000 Rehabilitation $170, $1,020,000 Mill & Overlay $68, $340,000 Non Struc. Ovl. $32, $224,000 Crack Seal $4, $28,800

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program NCPP Network Condition Health Group Exercise Now you try to manage the network. Open Interactive Chart

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program

Network Level Strategy Analysis Using RoadSoft

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Future Condition – Critical to telling your story Source: Michigan Tech Transportation Institute.

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Network Level Strategy Analysis Using RoadSoft – Worst First Strategy

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Network Level Strategy Analysis Using RoadSoft – Mix of Fixes Strategy

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Network Level Strategy Analysis Using RoadSoft - Comparision of Strategies

Michigan Local Technical Assistance Program Questions?