Archimedes By Lucy Gleeson
Personal Profile Born: 287 BC, Syracuse Full name: Archimedes of Syracuse Nationality: Greek Assassinated: 212 BC, Syracuse
Archimedes Archimedes was the greatest mathematician of his age. Today when we get any idea, we often shout the word 'Eureka'. This famous word is originally attributed to Archimedes, for the invention of measuring the volume of an object with an irregular shape. According to some, the greatest invention of Archimedes is 'integral calculus'. Using this, he measured the section of areas surrounded by geometric shapes and figures.
Archimedes was killed by Roman soldiers. Other facts - Archimedes was a Greek who lived in the city of Syracuse, Sicily. His relative, Hieron II, was king of Syracuse. Archimedes was killed by Roman soldiers. -Archimedes discovered that objects float because they are thrust upwards by the water.
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