Centennial Celebration Themes Lead through Service Invite for Impact Connect with Community
Lead through Service Centennial Service Challenge
Worldwide Service Results Clubs Participating Activities Reported People Served 23, ,000 Youth: 16M Environment: 11M Hunger: 8M Vision: 7M TOTAL: 42M
Invite for Impact Invite others to Serve Where there’s a need, we NEED a Lion
Invite for Impact Centennial Membership Awards April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018
Connect with Community Centennial Community Legacy Projects Identify a local need and make a lasting impact
Centennial Volunteer Structure PIP J. Frank Moore III, CAC Chair PIP Joe L. Wroblewski, Honorary CAC Chair Two representatives from each Constitutional Area and Africa, plus key Board committee members Lions Club Members Multiple District and District leaders of Centennial activities Club Centennial Chair/Committee Clubs are invited to identify a Centennial Chair and/or Committee to direct Centennial activities Centennial Coordinators Centennial Action Committee Leadership
Celebration Action Steps Talk about the Centennial with your club and invite them to join the celebration Choose a Centennial Club Chairperson and/or committee Create a plan for your club to Lead through Service, Invite for Impact, and Connect with your Community Share your plan with your District Centennial Coordinator — other clubs can benefit from your ideas Share the impact of your service on MyLCI at
Centennial Resources Planning tools and resources for clubs on Centennial Toolbox Apparel, banner, decals, pins, patches and more Centennial Club Supplies 100 stories to share starting in September 2015 Touchstone Stories Short videos to share on Lions history and impact Centennial Videos
Centennial Projects World-spanning pieces come together in Chicago 2017 Centennial Banner Collectable 1 oz. silver coin available June 2016 Commemorative Coin Main exhibit in Chicago, plus traveling exhibits and online Centennial Exhibits Dedication of Melvin Jones statue at LCI HQ Centennial Memorial