EMERGENCY ALERTING Opportunities through collaboration and standards
Current state Technology investments Data consumer and provider Opportunities Challenges MONTH DAY, YEAR2TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION
MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION3 CURRENT STATE -Legacy systems -Disconnected and duplicate systems -Lack of national view -Lack of standards and operating procedures -Lack of automation
MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION4 TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENTS -Emergency response management system -Volunteer management system -National data standards and operating procedures -Mass, targeted volunteer notifications -Call center and VOIP -Mobile -GIS -MASAS integration
MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION5 PROVIDER OF DATA -Volunteer availability within an area - Emergency response inventory stockpile levels -Shelter location and availability -Registration centers
MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION6 OPPORTUNITIES - Digital volunteers - Call center, IVR - Volunteer portal - Coordination of volunteers
MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION7 CHALLENGES - Trust, privacy and security - Reliability and availability of platform. SLA. -Accuracy and Timeliness of information. SLA. - Localization ie. language, culture, isolation -Custodian of other organization’s data. Risk. -Increased support requirements of internal systems including GIS - Public access to Red Cross data -The use of social media for alerting and monitoring -Crowdsourcing of situational data
THANK YOU MERCI MONTH DAY, YEARTITLE OF THE PRESENTATION8 - Contribute to community - Collaborate on solutions - Share implementation solutions - Share lessons learned SUMMARY