LYNX LIFE PCMS MULTIAGE ADVISORY I will be your student’s Lynx Life advisor their entire time at PCMS. Kathy Skalak
Mission Statement The purpose of Lynx Life is to promote the personal, social, and academic development of our students.
Why an Advisory Program? It’s good for kids! Without advisory school would be more distant. It would not be as cheerful. We would not be as connected to everybody. - seventh grade girl It is, um, a place where you can get stuff off your chest. And once you do, you rethink what you are doing and think, like, um, is this right? So that helps with your school work.- seventh grade boy It gets you into the state of mind that school is not only about work, but that it is a place where teachers really know you and understand you. So, I think, as a school, having advisory connects everyone. – eighth grade boy
Why is it Multi-age? Builds a school community Provides leadership roles Creates a school culture where we all look out for each other Positively impacts self esteem All students will go to the same high school (IHS) Students and advisors have years to bond
Goals of Lynx Life Goal One: Relationships Goal Two: Navigate Through Academic Future Goal Three: Leadership and Decision Making Skills
Examples of Lessons Anti-bullying lessons once a trimester Career Fair and career interest lessons Study Skills Caring Through Sharing lesson for food drive Stress management Fun run, door decorating contests, holiday contests Electronic files/password management tips Locker cleanout Some assemblies take place during Lynx Life Practice drills/ safety information All the other important lessons we want students to learn that don’t fit into core curriculum.
Lynx Life Schedule Meet every M/T/Th/F for 20 minutes before first period Lynx Life7:40 am8:00 am 1st Period8:05 am8:55 am 2nd Period9:00 am9:50 am 3rd Period9:55 am10:45 am 1st Lunch10:45 am11:15 am 4th Period A11:20 am12:15 pm 4th Period B10:50 am11:15 am 2nd Lunch11:15 am11:45 am 4th Period B11:50 am12:15 pm 4th Period C10:50 am11:45 am 3rd Lunch11:45 am12:15 pm 5th Period12:20 pm1:10 pm 6th Period1:15 pm2:05 pm
W.E.B. Where Everyone Belongs W.E.B. is a leadership program, which trains 8 th graders to help welcome 6 th graders and incorporate them into our school culture. Some Lynx Life time on T/Th will be used for 6 th graders to meet with their WEB leaders. WEB leaders will support their 6 th graders all year. WEB leaders will invite 6 th graders to PCMS events throughout the year.
Student Accountability Lynx Life classes will develop norms for Lynx Life Students will be expected to participate in all activities. In some cases, students will assist other students. For example, if an 8 th grader is excellent with organization, s/he may help a struggling 6 th grader. Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Beane expect students to participate and be respectful during Lynx Life and all school activities.
Continuous Improvement This is the 5 th year of Lynx Life at PCMS. The Lynx Life team is working hard this year to create an excellent program for our students. This team of teachers, a counselor and administrators, will collect feedback from students, parents, and staff to continually improve the program. We are currently looking for a for a student to add to our team.