San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) Leased Housing Programs – May 2015 Presented to Resident Services, Operations and Personnel (RSOP) Committee June 22, 2015
Program Utilization Summary 3 PIC Reporting Rate Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections 6- 7 Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) 8-10 Department Activities in Progress 11 Table of Contents 2
3 Program Utilization Summary ProgramFY14 AvgApr 2015 Overall HCV98% 97% FUP77% 76% Information below is based on the April 2015 VMS submitted to HUD on or about May 20, 2015
4 PIC Reporting Key Takeaways 100% is the confirmed May 2015 reporting rate. HUD requires that the SFHA reporting rate be at 95% or higher. The SFHA is currently in compliance with HUD requirements.
5 PIC Reporting Rate The confirmed May 2015 PIC Reporting rate is 100%. Since March 2014 the PIC Reporting rate continues to trend upwards and has exceeded the HUD requirement of 95% for the eight straight month.
6 Operational Updates – Recertifications and Inspections Key Takeaways 94% is the confirmed Annual Recertification rate for May % is the confirmed Annual HQS Inspection rate for May 2015
7 Annual Recertifications and Inspections ProgramFY14 AvgMay2015 Annual Recertifications83% 94% Annual HQS Inspections34% 97% The SFHA has met or exceeded HUD’s requirement to process at least 90% of Inspections or Annual Recertifications on-time to begin earning points in SEMAP. Items highlighted in red are estimated scores.
8 Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Key Takeaways The 2015 SEMAP score is currently 62.1%. This represents an improvement over the 2014 score.
9 SEMAP Preliminary Report The SFHA will monitor SEMAP on a monthly basis. The score is already improved from FYE 09/30/2014
10 SEMAP Trending Analysis The SFHA is monitoring SEMAP on a monthly basis. The score is already improved from FYE 09/30/2014
11 Department Activities in Progress Department Activities Reexaminations: Staff working on Aug-Sept Recertifications SEMAP: Ongoing review of SEMAP indicators Rent Increases: Continue processing previously submitted requests. Digital Conversion: Preparations for Digital Conversion of Program Files Software Conversion: Final Data Validations Ongoing preparation for Portfolio RAD conversion