PHEN Church Partnerships “Joining Hands in Prayer and Action to Save Lives” Annual “Father’s Day Rally Against Prostate Cancer” The Rally takes place within each church where members are encouraged to wear blue on Father’s Day. During regular services churches recognize the prostate cancer survivors, their family members and the loved ones of those who have been victims of the disease. The congregation joins hands in a special prayer of love and healing for all.
PHEN Resources and Support for Its Church Partners Posters for each church to increase prostate health knowledge and awareness Speakers and materials for programs and events Access to PHEN Online resources and support for newly diagnosed men, survivors and their loved ones. Live educational webcasts broadcast monthly from Boston, MA PHEN Church Partnerships “Joining Hands in Prayer and Action to Save Lives”
Your Risk Assessment Use this checklist to determine your risk profile for prostate cancer (a) African American, or Sub-Saharan African descent (b) Father Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer (c) Brother(s) diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. (d) Other close relative diagnosed with prostate cancer Your Risk Level: 0 Items checked you are "Not at High Risk" 1 Item checked you are at "High Risk" 2 or more checked you are at "High Risk+" Risk For Prostate Cancer
Physicians should provide information to men about the benefits and limitations of the prostate specific antigen (PSA) test, and the digital rectal exam (DRE), for the early detection of prostate cancer. Men should use this and knowledge gained from other information to make informed decisions on whether to be tested. Men who request to be tested should not be denied testing. African American men and other high risk men with a life expectancy of 10 years or more should begin annual testing at age 40. Other men who choose testing should begin at age 50. Men should know and monitor the results of their PSA and DRE tests to be able to make an informed decision with their doctors on the frequency of further testing and whether additional types of testing are required. Prostate Cancer Early Detection Guidelines
Step 1: Men Must Know their Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer Only men get prostate cancer, but it’s a disease that impacts the entire family. Step 3: Act Today Black men die from prostate cancer at a rate 2.5 times greater than other men. This is the largest racial disparity for any type of cancer for men or women. Step 2: Early Detection Is Important Prostate Cancer can be a curable disease when detected early and properly treated. Late stage detection is one of the leading causes of prostate cancer deaths among black men. Act today to learn your risk for prostate cancer and then talk with your doctor about early detection screening. Wives and other loved ones should make certain that the men you care about know their risks and take action – don’t accept no! Tip: Men at “high risk” and high “risk +” should begin screening for the disease by age 40 and monitor the test results with their doctor. Tip: Knowledge and action are the best ways to beat prostate cancer. PHEN Father’s DayRally Against Prostate Cancer Prostate Health Education Network More Information Online: “Life is a Blessing – Cherish it”
Churches can register now to partner and to join the 2012 Father’s Day Rally
The Buffet Rule for Prostate Cancer
The Recommendation Against PSA Screening Ignores Black Men
The Prostate Cancer Dream Team Oscar-nominated actor Terrence Howard (movies include Hustle & Flow and Red Tails) with Farrington at the Prostate Cancer Dream Team announcement on April 1 st in Chicago Pictured with Farrington are Arul M. Chinnaiyan, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Michigan, and Charles L. Sawyers, M.D., of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, will lead the Dream Team project titled "Precision Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer."