Managing the Cycle of Acting Out Behavior in the Classroom By Geoff Colvin
When acting out behavior occurs, we often only look at end incident. Prerequisite Academic Skills Signs of Agitation Escalating Behavior Chain Presence of Successive Interactions Read scenario from pages 4-5. Review each elements then discuss: Prerequisite Academic Skills: does student understand the assignment? Does he have skills to complete the work? Or has he mastered subject and is bored? Signs of Agitation: Agitated state not addressed? What if teacher had said “Are you OK?” or “Do you need some time?” (supportive) Escalating Behavior Chain: Questioning-Arguing-Non-compliance & defiance-verbal abuse-assault. If this chain were interrupted at an early stage, there would be nothing to prompt the more serious behavior occurring at the end of the chain. If the preceding behavior is not present,or interrupted, then the next behavior will not occur. Presence of Successive Interactions: for each student behavior there is a corresponding or reciprocal teacher behavior and vice versa (integrated experience)
A Seven-Phase Model for Describing Acting-Out Behavior Calm Triggers Agitation (Anxiety) Acceleration (Defensive) Peak (Acting Out) De-escalation (Acting Out) Recovery (Tension Reduction) Characteristics of calm phase: Overall behavior is cooperative and acceptable. Triggers: setting events, aversive stimuli, antecedents, past history, negative circumstances
Calm Phase Overall behavior is cooperative and acceptable
Triggers Also called “setting events,” “aversive stimuli,” “antecedents,” … School-based Nonschool-based School-based— conflicts -need for attention not met Bumped into by another student Changes in routine Peer provocation Pressure Ineffective problem solving Academic challenges Non school based High needs homes Health problems Nutrition needs Inadequate sleep Dual diagnosis which lead to negative medication interactions Substance abuse Deviant peer groups
Agitation Often a function of inability to handle Triggers Noticeable change in behavior Student is unfocused and behavior is nondirected Leave me alone
Acceleration Behavior becomes focused and directed (usually toward staff) Overall behavior is staff-engaging leading to further negative interactions Questioning and Arguing Noncompliance and Defiance Off-Task Behavior Provocation of Others Avoidance and Escape Whining and Crying Threats, Intimidation, Verbal Abuse, Destruction of Property…
Peak Often represent threat to safety of others or to the involved student Overall behavior is out of control Serious destruction of property Self-abuse Running Away Attacks on staff
De-escalation Reintegration process Overall behavior shows confusion and lack of focus Confusion Reconciliations Withdrawal Denial, Blaming Others Responsiveness to concrete directions Avoidance of debriefing Confusion: wandering around room, fidgeting, toying with items, Reconciliation: say they are sorry, try to “make up” with teacher Withdrawal – sleep, put head down
Recovery Returns to nonagitated and relatively normal state Shows an eagerness for busy work and reluctance to interact Eagerness for independent work or activity Subdued behavior in group work Subdued behavior in class discussion
Strategies-Proactive Strategies for Maintaining Calm Phase Design physical space of classroom Establish a practical schedule Establish classroom expectations Establish classroom routines Managing Instruction
- Precorrection Strategies for Triggers Phase Identify the context (trigger) and predictable behavior problem Specify expected behaviors Modify the context Conduct behavior rehearsals Provide strong reinforcement for occurrences of expected behaviors Prompt expected behaviors Monitor the plan
-Teaching Social Skills for Managing Triggers Phase Social skills are learned behaviors that can be taught. Behavior management problems are social skills problems. Social skills are prerequisites for academic and school success The approach and components of social skills instruction are fundamentally the same as academic instruction. Social skill instruction alone may be ineffective with high risk or high needs students.
Calming Strategies for Managing Agitation Phase Teacher Empathy Assist Student to Focus on the Task Provide Space Provide Assurances and Additional Time Permit Preferred Activities (within set parameters) 1.Are you doing OK? Do you need To sit for a bit and I will be back shortly? 2. Shifts students attention from Triggers-”Here. Let me do the first problem. Now let’s see you do the next.” 3. Less like to be provoked by others; opportunity to settle down and refocus
Independent Activities Passive Activities Movement Activities Teacher Proximity Independent Activities Passive Activities Movement Activities Student Self-Management Where Appropriate Passive activities: listening to a story, quiet independent reading, watching a video—good after recess, gym, high stimulation times Movement Activities- antiseptic bounce, cleaning the chalkboard, passing out materials
Defusing Strategies for Managing Acceleration Phase (Last Opportunity to Avoid Peak Behavior) Consciously avoid escalating prompts. Agitated behavior from staff such as shouting Cornering the student Engaging in power struggles Moving into the student’s space At this phase, student will try to engage staff; response may escalate behavior.
Touching or grabbing the student Sudden or very quick movements Using “put-down” statements Becoming defensive and arguing Communicating anger and frustration through body language
Maintain calmness, respect and detachment Modeling of appropriate behavior is essential
Approach the student in a nonthreatening manner Move slowly and deliberately toward the problem situation. Speak privately if possible. Speak calmly. Minimize body language. Keep a reasonable distance. Speak respectfully.
Establish an eye level position. Be brief. Stay focused on the problem at hand. Avoid power struggles. Acknowledge cooperation. Withdraw if the situation escalates. Withdraw: terminate the discussion if the problem behavior escalates. Follow school emergency procedures.
Use nonconfrontational limit-setting procedures Present the expected behavior and the negative consequence as a decision for the student to make. Allow time for the student to decide (usually less than a minute.) Withdraw from the student, attend to other students or engage in some other task. Follow through Examples on pp. 106-107
Debriefing Session (problem solving to better equip student to exhibit appropriate behavior) After behavior occurs: Identify the sequence of events Pinpoint decision making moments during the sequence of events Evaluate the decisions Identify acceptable decision options for future situations.
Safe Management Strategies for Peak Phase Clear School or District Policy Identification of Possible Emergency Situations
Reintegration Strategies for Managing De-escalation Phase Transition from Peak behaviors to normal activities Isolate the student Engage in independent work with clear criteria Complete exit paperwork Restore the environment Resume the regular schedule Independent work—if uncooperative, needs more time to settle or to complete task Make sure it is task that student has mastery of Set reasonable standards for completion—neatness, time allotted. Do not move to next step until task is completed After debriefing determine an appropriate consequence. If tore up room, then must clean up. If upset another student, must do something nice for that student. Restore environment refers to cleaning up. If area already cleaned up, then needs to be given some “community service” jobs in room. Do steps in order to gain gradual compliance.
Resumption Strategies for Recovery Phase Transition Steps Provide strong focus on normal routines Do not negotiate the consequences for the serious behavior. Strongly acknowledge occurrences of problem solving behaviors Communicate support and expectation that student can succeed Review and implement plan from debriefing Returning to classroom from another setting—may return to Triggers that initiated last behavior
Not an aversive consequence Should only take 3-5 minutes Debriefing Plan Not an aversive consequence Should only take 3-5 minutes Occurs after student has been calm for at least 20 minutes Process Review the problem incident to identify triggers Establish alternative responses to triggers Focus on a smooth transition to classroom activity
Managing the Cycle of Acting Out Behavior By Geoff Colvin Behavior Associates PO Box 5633 Eugene, OR 97405-0633 (Available through