Hi, Learning Skills Students! This is Slide 1 of your Power Point Instruction for this class. After reading each slide, make sure you: 1.Follow the instructions on the slide. 2.Put your initials in the space by that slide to show you have completed it, and fill in the comment area beneath it. NOW, sports fans, if you’re ready to roll, initial by “Slide 1” on your worksheet, fill in the comments, and click on “Slide 2” in the slide tab area to the left of this slide.
SLIDE 2 INSTRUCTIONS: 1._____Before you follow these instructions, notice that at the bottom of your screen there will be tabs to show which windows are open. 2._____Open the “Start” menu at the left bottom of the screen, and open another window of Microsoft Power Point 2003 by double clicking on the title of the program.. 3._____Click on the “Window” menu at the top of the screen, then on the two arrows at the bottom of this menu to show all of the available choices. Click on “Arrange All” and you will be able to view both your Instructions window and your own Presentation window side by side. This will make it easier to switch back and forth between the two windows. 4._____Continue to Slide 3 in this presentation by clicking on Slide 3 in the Slide Tab area to the left of your screen in the Instructions window. Slide 2. Power Point Startup, and Your Presentation
Slide 3. (YOU’RE SURPRISED?) INFORMATION In order to work with two windows on your desktop, you can open both at the same time and change their size by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the windows so that they’re side by side on the screen, OR just click back and forth on the tabs on the bottom of your screen to shift from one to the other. SLIDE 3 INSTRUCTIONS 1.Click over to your new Power Point presentation, and click on the “Click to Add Title” box in your slide 1. Type the name of the topic you are presenting in this title box. (Check your spelling!). 2. Click on the box underneath it, which probably says “click here to add subtitle”. Type the words “By My Name”…well not really those words, but “By” followed by your name. (Check spelling!) 3. Go back to the Power Point Instruction presentation and click on Slide 4 in the Slide Tab area to the left.
Slide 4. MORE POWER POINT INSTRUCTIONS INFORMATION Now, you’ve made your first slide. It’s not fancy, but it’s a start. To get started making your presentation we’ll make 4 more slides today. After you’re finished with this Power Point Instruction, you can go back and add, delete and change all your slides to really spiff up your presentation. SLIDE 4 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open up your presentation window to continue. 2. Click on the “Insert” menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen. 3.Click on “New Slide”. A new slide will appear in the Slide Tab area to the left and in the main slide. This is Slide 2. 4.Do this again 3 more times. You should have a total of 5 slides in the column on the left. 5.Click on Slide 2 for the next one to work with in your presentation. 6. Continue with Slide 5 of the Power Point Instructions.
INFORMATION Now you’re ready to start putting text (words) into your slides. You will end up today with 5 slides each with a bit of text. Your final presentation will have more than this, but today’s work needs to include the following: 1Title Slide 2,3,4, Content Slides 5.Works Cited Slide SLIDE 5 INSTRUCTIONS 1.Click back over to your presentation and make sure you are working with Slide 2.there. HINT: It will be highlighted in the left Slide Tab area, and it should be a blank slide. 2.Click on the “Format” menu to open it, and click on “Slide Layout”. Choose “Title Only” from the choices. This will change the layout of your slides so that only one text box is showing. You can add text anytime by clicking in the blank spaces around the text box with the title. 3.Type the words “Content Slide” in the Title box. Change the layout and add this same text in Slides 3 and Click back on Power Point Instructions and go on to Slide 6 instructions. Slide 5. Some More Power Point Instruction (so what else is new?)
Slide 6. (pick up sticks…not really) INFORMATION For each of your Content Slides in your presentation, you’ll practice doing different things to the text. SLIDE 6 INSTRUCTIONS 1.Highlight the words “Content Slide” on your second slide by clicking and dragging over those words. 2.Change the font style and size of those words by clicking on the “Format” menu and choosing “Font”. A box will appear that will give you choices of styles of fonts (“Times New Roman”, “Arial”, etc.) and sizes (“22”, “38”, etc.). Click on “ok” to accept these changes. 3.Change the color of the words by going back to the Format menu, choosing “Font” again, and scrolling through the color choices until you find the one you like. Click on “ok” to choose the color you like. BIG HINT: IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU MADE A CHANGE, “UNDO” IT BY HITTING THE KEYS “CONTROL” -“Z”. THIS WILL ALWAYS UNDO WHATEVER CHANGE YOU JUST MADE.
INFORMATION Now you’ll do some more changes to each of the next two Content Slides. SLIDE 7 INSTRUCTIONS: Background and Inserting a Graphic Object. 1.In your presentation, choose Slide 3 to work with. Highlight the title “Content” and change the color and font style and size to something different from Slide 2. 2.From the Format Menu, choose “Slide Background”. Use this box to change the background color of the slide you’re working with or ALL your slides. HINT: IF YOU DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU DID…”CONTROL”- ”Z” TO UNDO IT. 3.Click outside of the Title Box. Then, from the “Insert” menu, choose “Picture” and “Clip Art”. When the Clip Art window opens, browse through this and select a piece of clip art. Click on “Insert” to insert it as a “graphic object” in your slide. 4. Move it around, change its size, etc,by clicking on the corners and sides and dragging it until you like what you see. 7. Heaven (or Dell?)
Slide 8. Save before it’s too late! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHGHGHGHGHH GHGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG! (That was a scream). I did all this work and lost all of it cause I forgot to save it, oh no, whatamIgonnadoI’mgonnaflunksixthgradeandhavetosellfakesilverjewelr yonthestreettobeabletobuySkittles! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHGHGHGHGHH GHGHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG! SLIDE 8 INSTRUCTIONS 1.Save your work now by clicking on the “File” menu, and “Save As”. 2.In the box at the top of the “Save As” window, choose the correct location to “Save To”, either your flash drive (Drive “E”, usually) or My Documents if saving on this computer’s hard drive. 3.Type your first and last name AND your Hour and Day (“1A” or “1B”)in the “Save As” box at the bottom of the window. Ex: MaryJones1A 4. Click “Save” to save your work. Breathe. Continue on with Slide 9.
Slide 9. Is Design your line? INFORMATION For the last Content Slide, we’ll play with the design. SLIDE 9 INSTRUCTIONS Make sure you’re working with Slide 4 of your presentation. 1.From the format menu, choose “Slide Design”. Then choose one of the many designs available. 2.Be sure only to apply it to Slide 4 at first. Then apply it to all the slides in your presentation. 3.Be sure to look at what it does to your layout, font style and size…it can really mess things up, so if you choose a slide design, it’s a good thing to either do it before you enter text, or do it one slide at a time. 4.Choose Slide 5 to work with in your presentation and move on!
Slide 10. The En(d)…sort of. INFORMATION Isn’t this a lovely design (for a dentist’s office). Be sure to choose a design that fits your topic! Don’t put lightning bolts and flames behind a presentation about a famous hermit philosopher! SLIDE 10 INSTRUCTIONS 1. With your last slide, slide 5, you’ll type in, or copy in your Works Cited list from Easy Bib, or your Word document, wherever you have your list saved. 2. Just click in a space to open up another text box, and copy and paste the citations into the text box. If they don’t all show, click and drag the squares around the edges of the text box to enlarge and move it. 3. SAVE YOUR WORK!
Slide 11: Transitions INFORMATION: Since you’ve mastered some basics and created a 5-slide framework, now you can do the next two sets of instructions and play with transitions and adding sound. SLIDE 11 INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Choose a “Content Slide” from your presentation. 2.Click on the menu “Slide Show” and choose “Slide Transition”. 3.Click on the Slide Transition that you want to use. (You’ll see a preview of it.) 4.Adjust the transition speed if you want. (Fast, Medium, Slow…) 5.If you really want to be obnoxious, add a sound. (From the drop- down lists.) 6. If you want this animation to apply to all your slides, click “Apply to All Slides”.
Slide 12: Sounds INFORMATION: Now you can add a special sound to your slide. SLIDE 12 INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Move to a “ Content Slide ’ in your presentation (slides 2,3,or 4). 2.Choose the “ Insert ” menu, then “ Movies and Sounds ”, then “ Sounds from File ”. 3.Browse for the Sounds file in “ My Documents ” 4.Select a sound file to insert. 5.Click “ OK ”. 6.Select “ Automatically ” or “ When Clicked ”. 7.You will see a little icon that goes with your inserted object on your slide. To hide this, right click on the icon, and check “ Hide sound icon during the show ”.
Slide 13: And Take a Look! SLIDE 13 INSTRUCTIONS 1.SAVE YOUR WORK! 2.Take a look at your slide show by choosing the picture that looks like a projector screen from the choices at the bottom left of the window. Click the mouse every time you want to change slides. Right click on the mouse and choose “End Show” to go back to the regular view of your slides. 3.Breathe in, breathe out, think calm thoughts. Hand your worksheet to the teacher. Go buy some Skittles.