Mrs. VonLintel is here for YOU
Guidance lessons in your classroom Problem solving for tough situations Help for BIG life changes An adult who helps you with other adults Small groups Animal Assisted Activities Yarn Club School Store Tiger Tutors
Fill out a Mrs. V form and drop it in her box ◦ except if it is an emergency ◦ tell an adult you trust Parent phone calls Recommendations from a teacher Say “hi” before school on Monday or recess on Wednesdays Confidential – EXCEPT ◦ When you are seriously hurting yourself ◦ When you are seriously hurting someone else ◦ When someone is seriously hurting you
Approach – up to 3 students, walking slowly Ask – ask for permission before petting any dog Pet – the dog should be sitting or laying down Goodbye – after one minute say goodbye
Smile and use a calm voice Use voice level 1 or 2 Dog CHAMPS - Communication
Raise your hand to get attention Ask the handler your question Dog CHAMPS Help Dog CHAMPS Help
Reading help, rewards, work with Mrs. V, delivering messages from the office, bringing smiles Dog CHAMPS Activity
Up to 3 students at a time Walk slowly, stop 3 feet in front of dog, smile and wait for handler Dog CHAMPS Movement
Petting, learning, reading, walking Treat with love and respect Dog CHAMPS Participation
Copper gets a good report card, students meet goals, there are more smiles Dog CHAMPS Success