THE NUMBER OF FARMERS INVOLVED Crop : Vegetable Number interviewed : 46 Number of farmers involve : 632 Crop : Fresh lychee Number interviewed : 1546 Number of farmers involve : 3405
Crop : Dryed Lychee Number interviewed : 12 Number of farmers involve : 527 Crop : Lychee wine Number interviewed : 1 Number of farmers involve : 52
Crop : Tea Number interviewed : 8 Number of farmers involve : 570 The number of provinces has been reseached : 4 Bac Giang province : 1 company; 3 initiatives
Thai Nguyen province : 2 companies; 3 cooperatives; 7 initiatives Ha Noi : 1 wholle sale market; 3 initiatives Ninh Binh province : 1 company; 5 initiatives
Volume being marketed For tea product : in the project frame we planned for marketing in November Sending document to provinces where has a big area for tea growing such as : Lai Chau Prov; Dien Bien Prov; lao Cai Prov; Tuyen Quang Prov; Phu Tho Prov…. We will send expert to Tuyen Quang and Phu Tho Province to carrying out training courses for farmers.
Marketing partners In Thai Nguyen province : Commercial Center of Thai Nguyen; Hoang Binh Company. In Ha Noi : some big shops /agencies All partners are invited to attend the workshop on setting up mid – market mechanism will be held on October and November 2009.
History of the initiatives The initiatives mentioned above are divided in to 3 kinds : - The cooperatives has been transferred from agricultural cooperative to services cooperative sine Dong Giao company has been transferred from government company to joint stock company since Hoang Binh, Thinh Bien companies are Ltd companies sin The whole sale market Long Bien since 1980s
Current status of the initiatives All initiatives are running well, however its effected by the global financial crisis : the market curtailed.
Current management structure 1 Director 1 Marketing staff 1 accountant 1 cashier 1 consultative committee 1 Technical group The relationship to the national structure is an independent center of VNFU.
The Enabling and hindering factors Supporting policy of Viet Nam Gov : giving capital to farmers for their production. The small farmers do not have information on marketing; The processing technical is backward
Lesson learned and insights Capacity building for small farmers and poor farmers is in accordance with the point of view of VN Government and need the time about 3 years for carrying out. Its needs 100,000USD – 150,000USD for setting up the models and develop, maintaining it in 3 years. Should be concentrated in propagandizing through the conferences; workshops…. The local staff needs to be trained.
Challenges ahead The market price of in put and out put are changing. The Competition with big companies, group make difficulties for small farmers. Purchasing power is getting down caused by the global financial crisis lead to unmarketable products.
Recommendation to farmer engaging the market The farmers necessary active liking together for a big volume of products. Applying a new technology on production Observed the GAP regulation on production; Making good plan for products can be completed in the market. Apply new technology on food processing in order to reduce the price and upgrade the quality.
Intervention/support needed AspectNeeded support- national level Needed support regional level Technical support NeededNeeded for food processing Marketing support Marketing - needed Marketing needed Policy supportneeded