Agriculture and Rural Land Use


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Presentation transcript:

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture Most common Allows for… 250,000 Hunters & Gatherers Settlement Development Civilization

Agriculture Commercial Farming Market Subsistence Only enough

Agriculture Origin Carl Sauer Vegetative Planting SE Asia Diffusion Not seeds / Parts of plants SE Asia Separation / Replanting Diffusion China, Japan, Africa, SW Asia, etc

Agriculture Origin Andes / West Africa Physical barriers

Seed Agriculture Plants from seeds Improvement Higher yield

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

! Quiz Ferret!

Where does Carl Sauer believe the first hearth of agricultural practices is located? Quiz Ferret!

SE Asia using vegetative planting! Quiz Ferret!

1st Revolution Agriculture / Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years Domestication Hunter / Gatherer Stationary Independent Development

Agricultural Revolution W India Wheat / Barley SW Asia Barley, Wheat, Animals Sheep, Goats Northern China Millet S Mexico Squash / Corn

Agriculture Northern Peru Cotton Squash Bean

Industrial Revolution 2nd Agricultural Revolution Enclosure Movement Land Divided Wealthier Individuals Ownership of Land

Industrial Revolution Social Changes Move to cities Jobs Improved Transportation New forms of energy

Industrial Revolution New Technologies Horses Collars Field Drainage Irrigation Storage Understanding Soil Nutrients Crop Rotation

Industrial Revolution Selective Breeding Plants and Animals

Industrial Revolution Globalization / Industrialization Increased food supply Agricultural Production / Fertilizers Pesticides Farming / Food production Specialization From farm to factory

Industrialization Crops raised / processed / distributed Milk 1700’s

Agribusiness Modern Food Production Large Corporate farms Own most or all parts of production Seed -> Marketing and selling of produce

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Green Revolution 1950’s – Present Hybrid Seeds / Fertilizers Norman Borlaug Hybrid Seeds / Fertilizers Maximize output Help others support populations Mexico India

Green Revolution Wheat / Maize / Rice World Hunger Pesticides and Fertilizers World Hunger Grain production increased45%

Green Revolution Africa Problems Greater inequality Inadequate resources

Green Revolution Problems Pollution Pesticides Water Greater use of energy Pesticides Water Diversity in seed strands

Bio-Revolution Genetic Modification Genetic Engineering GMO’s Improve production Genetic Engineering Faster / larger / Pesticides / Drought Resistance

Bio-Revolution Animals Meat Milk

Bio-Revolution Support Output Reduce Cost Fertilizer More food for growing world

Bio-Revolution Criticism Crop disease Genetic Diversity More pesticides Push out small farmers

! Quiz Ferret!

Who was the American scientist who started the Green Revolution? Quiz Ferret!

Norman Borlaug! Quiz Ferret!

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agricultural Practices Subsistence Commercial

Subsistence Agriculture Less Developed Nations Provide for family Three Types Shifting Intensive Subsistence Pastoralism

Subsistence Agriculture Shifting Cultivation Three Field System Rotate Fields Nutrients Replenished Tropical Regions Africa, Amazon River, SE Asia

Subsistence Agriculture Thin top soil Nutrient Depletion Heavy Rains Slash and Burn Agriculture Clear land Swidden Labor intensive Large amounts of Land

Subsistence Agriculture Slash and Burn Many types of seed Reduce crop failure risk Environmental Issues Land cannot recover Cause permanent damage

Subsistence Agriculture Intensive Subsistence Heavily populated areas Not much land China, India, SE Asia Terraced Farming

http://agriculturechp10. weebly

Subsistence Agriculture Intensive Rice Rainfall Wheat, corn, millet Double Cropping Multiple crops in one field

Subsistence Agriculture Pastoralism Breeding and herding Not hospitable for crops Grasslands, deserts, steppes Sedentary Living in one place Nomadic Roaming

Subsistence Agriculture Pastoralism Cows, Sheep, Goats, Camels Animal meat not usually for consumptions Use animals for fur, milk, and to trade N Africa, Central / S Africa, ME, Central Asia (Mongolia) Nomads move with cattle Cool highlands = summer Warm lowlands = winter Transhumance

! Quiz Ferret!

Which category of agricultural practice is most likely found in LDC? Quiz Ferret!

Subsistence! Quiz Ferret!

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Commercial Agriculture For profit Large Scale MDC Capital Intensive Mediterranean Mixed Crop / Livestock Dairying Ranching Large Scale Grain

Commercial Agriculture Mediterranean Mediterranean Region Not Mediterranean Region California, Chile, SA, S Australia Hot, dry summers Mild, wet winters Barley, wheat, olives, grapes Sheep / goats

Commercial Agriculture Plantation Farming Agricultural Estates 1 or 2 crops in high demand Cash crops Not for immediate human consumption Luxury items Not essentials Money is made from high volume sales

Commercial Agriculture Europeans Colonies Luxury items Coffee, tea, cotton, etc Climate not hospitable

Commercial Agriculture Mild / Tropical Climates Africa, LA, and Asia Along coast Owned by overseas corporations

Commercial Agriculture Mixed Crop / Livestock Crops, Cattle, Sheep, Goats Ducks, Chickens, Crops grown to feed Cattle Cattle produce fertilizer / other products Depend on animals

Commercial Agriculture Mixed Crop / Livestock Not dependent on weather Europe / E USA Not as much land available Crop Rotation

Commercial Agriculture Ranching Pastoralism Lots of Land Sheep / Cattle Meat / Wool Dry / Arid Climate Western US, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay

Commercial Agriculture Ranching Fattening Farms

! Quiz Ferret!

What type of commercial agriculture is practiced in LDCs? Quiz Ferret!

Plantation and Mediterranean Agriculture! Quiz Ferret!

Commercial Agriculture Dairying Milk based products Close to market Perishable dairies Not as close Nonperishable Dairies

Commercial Agriculture Dairying Smaller / Capital Intensive Machines Milkshed Produced and shipped Transportation / technology Move further away

Commercial Agriculture Large Scale Grain Production Wheat Grown for consumption US Western Europe Cattle

Commercial Agriculture Industrial Revolution More land / More efficient Machines Combine Seed Drill Tiller Engine

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Farm Locations Physical Environment Features Soil Relief Climate Shape Slope / Altitude Climate Rainfall / Temperature

Farm Locations Political / Cultural Factors Culture Political Agricultural practices Cows / Pigs / Horses Political Governments Control Prices Loan Programs Seed Types

Farm Locations Crops National Treasures France and Grapes Germany and Hops

Farm Locations Economic Factors Purchase price Coffee Beans Corn Land Rent Rent farmer pays Influence placing of farm Further away from city

Farm Locations New Technologies Hydroponics Vertical Gardens

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Von Thunen Model used to predict Assumptions Explains agricultural land use pattern Assumptions One city = One market place Maximum profit Equally farmable / Equally productive 1 form of transportation Transportation costs are fixed

Von Thunen Two variables Giant Bull’s Eye Distance from farm to market Transportation Cost Cost of Land Land Rent Giant Bull’s Eye Market center Rings Extensive vs Intensive Rent and Transportation Cost

Farm Location Ex: Grain farmer Dairy farmer Land / further away from city Dairy farmer Land / closer to the city

Globalization European Colonization Grocery store Mercantilism Grow / give / sell Grocery store Peripheral / LDC

Truck Farms Tropical Countries More Developed nations Organic Farming

Local Food Movement CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Back to local markets Small farmers Locally supported

Local Food Movement Regional Suppliers Reduces pollution from trucks Food is fresh No preservatives Fewer fertilizers More expensive More expensive methods Local Restaurant buyers

Urban Food Movement Growing food in urban areas Learn about food supply Eat healthier Eat local

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

Agriculture and Rural Land Use Unit 5 Agriculture and Rural Land Use

! Quiz Ferret!

What are the two important variables in von Thunen’s model? Quiz Ferret!

Transportation cost and land rent! Quiz Ferret!

Human Impacts Change nature of farming operations Small farmers Larger corporations Cash Crop problems

Hunger and Food Supply Food distribution / Access to food Under nutrition Famine

Hunger and Food Supply Political Situations Not a shortage Civil War Inability of food to reach places Infrastructure problem Corruption Problem

Desertification and Soil Erosion Soil problems Intense farming for profit Soil Erosion Loss of top layer of soil Desertification Expansion of Desert

Deforestation Loss of forests Harvesting Clearing land for plantations, ranching

Water Use As agriculture expands more water is needed Water is used in many ways Clean water is not always easy to come by

Government Action Debt-for-Nature To preserve natural resources International Debts forgiven