Coping with Suffering Mental suffering Physical suffering Emotional suffering Which one do you think is worst ? Describe any stories you know of people who had: To consider how Christians respond to suffering To evaluate the reacting to suffering in a Christian way
Reactions to Suffering Watch the video. How did the girl react to her illness ? “I look back on painful experiences with particular satisfaction. Everything that has truly enhanced and enlightened my experience, has been through suffering and not through happiness.” Malcolm Muggeridge, July Would the girl in the video agree with the quote on the left ? Has she matured through her experience? How? 2. How might someone not cope well with their suffering ?
Christians ways of responding to suffering. Bad ways of responding to suffering. 1.Jesus accepted suffering quietly – meekly. 2.He trusted in God’s justice & love for Him 3.He did not lose faith in God 4.He did not get angry or nurture anger 5.He did not seek revenge or return evil for evil. 6.He trusted that God would see him right in the end 7.He knew there was a reason that he was suffering, so he did not lose hope. 8.He forgave his enemies. 9.He understood that it was God’s will for him 1.Write out 5 of the most important Christian ways of responding to suffering in order. 2. Write out what would be bad ways to respond to suffering Do you think the Christian ways of responding to suffering are good ways? Choose 2 examples and explain why.
The Point of Suffering Suffering like Jesus, means – Becoming more like Jesus – Becoming closer to the God who suffered – Receiving the eternal life of God, like Jesus did when he resurrected – neutralising the power of evil – Understanding your suffering has a point, just like Jesus’ did What would help you put up with suffering the most?
KEY WORDDEFINITION natural evil Evil caused by.. moral evil Evil caused by… good Whatever is… evil Either the lack of….. / an absence of …. Or a spiritual …./ psychological… morality About choosing between… theodicy An argument about how God can be ……, …….. and ……. if evil exists free will The ability to… the fall Adam and Eve.. original sin We are born inclined to do…. and need God’s help to do good.
KEY WORDDEFINITION natural evil Evil caused by..natural events moral evil Evil caused by…human free choice to do evil good Whatever is…healthful, desirable, excellent. Hard to define. evil Either the lack of…effort.. / an absence of ….good Or a spiritual ….reality / psychological…force morality About choosing between…good and evil theodicyAn argument about how God can be omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omniscient if evil exists free will The ability to…choose between good and evil without being influenced by other things the fall Adam and Eve..disobeyed God and rebelled, choosing evil. They were thrown out of paradise. original sin We are born inclined to do…evil. and need God’s help to do good.
Theodicies: Responses to the Problem of Evil 1.Job says Ireneaus says Augustine Says Jesus.. 1.Match the number to the letter of the theodicy. Then match it to the counterargument. 2.Tell your partner a theodicy name. Your partner tries to explain it. 3.Tell your partner a problem/ counter argument to this theodicy A evil is a good thing because it makes us more responsible. We learn that our actions have consequences. This makes us take care to do the right thing. B. evil is our fault because Adam and Eve freely chose to do evil and rebel against God. They brought evil into the world, not God. D. we can’t question God about “why evil”. God is too great for us to understand. We can only be silent before this mystery C. transformed evil so it becomes a way to good - for us to become like Jesus, and receive eternal life. Not really explaining/ telling us the answer to why evil Not really fair for innocent people to suffer so the rest of us can learn to be responsible How come we are like Adam and Eve? How did we inherit this fault? It’s not our fault, but God’s But evil still happens and people have to suffer.
Watch the Video: Anthony WalkerVideo The Evil 1.What is the situation described in this video ? 2.How did the mother respond? 3.How could she have reacted badly? 4.How was her response like Jesus’? 5.Did her response changed the dynamics of violence and evil? BBC learning zone anthony walker
Using PEE Why did Mrs Walker behave the way she did? – Describe how she behaved – Give evidence to show Jesus said or behaved like this – Explain what Jesus action/ saying meant How did her belief in Jesus affect her life? – PEE: what does she believe about Jesus (point), example/ evidence from Jesus’ life, explain this what this example is saying. How could you follow her example in your life? Describe & explain how/ why you would.