TITLE: Test and Quizzes Page 143 Homework: Ch. 22 Vocabulary. 10 Words. Work on Editorial Essay due May 2/3 Date: April 20/23, 2011 Titles: Unit Cover for Cold War and Civil Rights Page 142 : Roaring 20’s/30’s Quiz WWII Quiz Test Scantron
TITLE: How did NC develop politically, socially, and economically after WWII? Page 145 Homework: CH. 24 Vocab Editorial Task Due May 2/3 Date: April 24/25 Titles: Ch. 22 Vocab, “Post War Boom and McCarthyism” Page 144 RAP: Unit tracker for 20s, 30’s, and WWII Test WIO: Paragraph Answer- 5 to 8 sentences With NC’s growth in suburbs and increase in housing, what other products and services are needed? What issues will leaders within NC and the US have to face with these new developments? WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 22 Vocab” 3)“Post War Boom and McCarthyism” Notes- find attached. Do Cornell Notes
TITLE: What political and technological problems and changes did the US face during the Cold War? Page 147 Homework: Communism vs. Democracy Map. You will need to use a ppt on my website or the internet to complete!! Work on Editorial Task Due May 2/3 Date: April 26/27 Titles: “Ch. 24 Vocab” “Cold War Centers Notes” “HA- Cold War Guided Reading Page 146 RAP: History Alive p. 440 political cartoon, answer question at the top of picture in complete sentences WIO: Create a summary, it can be a detailed picture, phrase, sentence, chart, etc. of the Cold War period in American history. WOW: 1)RAP 2)“HA-Cold War Guided Reading” 3)“Cold War Centers Notes”-find a key attached 4)WIO
TITLE: How did political and military conditions impact society in the US and NC? Page 149 Homework: Ch. 23 Vocab Study for Quiz on Cold War Work on Editorial Task Due May 2/3 Date: April30/May 1 Titles: “Communism Vs. Democracy maps, Cold War Conflicts and Collapse, End of Cold War” Page 148 RAP: History Alive p Geography Challenge #1-5. Cold War countries and conflicts. WIO: Cold War Quick Check WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW-”Communism Vs. Democracy Maps” 3)Finish centers from last class 4)“Cold War Conflicts and Collapse” Cornell notes 5) “End of Vietnam and Cold War” Notes guide 6) WIO
TITLE: Page 151 Homework: Finish Civil Right Movement Chart. Use internet if you need to! Date: May 2/3, 2012 Titles: “Ch. 23 Vocab, Children’s March, Civil Rights Movements” Page 150 RAP: NC Book p. 518 “ Primary Source” SOAPSTONE WIO: Civil Rights background reflection questions What are some examples of discrimination? Who were discriminated against and why? What does it mean to use the word minority? Would you have joined the Children’s March? Why or Why not? WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Ch. 23 Vocab” 3)Cold War Quiz 4)“Children’s March” Video Guide 5)“Civil Rights Movements” Table to fill in 6) WIO What is discrimination and how did it affect the school children?
TITLE: Page 153 Homework: Finish Civil Rights Flyer, rubric and directions are on my website Study for Quiz on Civil Rights Movement Date: May 4/7, 2012 Titles: “Civil Rights Movements Chart, Violent vs. Non-Violent Protest notes” Page 152 RAP: NC Book p. 525 “ Primary Source” SOAPSTONE WIO: Venn Diagram on Violent Vs. Non-Violent protests of civil rights WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Civil Rights Movement Chart” 3)“Violent Vs. Non-Violent Protest Notes” 4)Civil Rights Poster 4) WIO What did the Civil Rights movement look like in NC and in the US?
TITLE: Page 155 Homework: Unit Cover p. 143 Study for Test Prepare for notebook check. **MAKE SURE I HAVE PROGRESS REPORT SIGNATURE!!! Date: May 8/9, 2012 Titles: “Civil Rights Flyer, Goal 7 Review Guide” Page 154 RAP: Goal 7 Negative Review WIO: WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- “Civil Rights Flyer” 3)Civil Rights Quiz 4)“Goal 7 Review Guide” 5)WIO Goal 7 Review Day Timeline with 10 facts/dates on each side. One side is Civil Rights, the other is Cold War. Use years P. 143 is Unit Cover
TITLE: Page 157 Homework: Make sure you rest this weekend and bring HIGHLIGHTERS and #2 PENCILS ON MONDAY!!!! **MAKE SURE I HAVE PROGRESS REPORT SIGNATURE!!! Date: May 10/11, 2012 Titles: “Essential Question Review” Page 156 Cold War Quiz Civil Rights Quiz WOW: 1)RAP 2)Check HW- Unit Cover p )Essential Question review 4)Test on back of bubble sheet answer: *a) What topic from this unit are you most worried about? *b) Describe one test taking strategy that you are going to use while taking this test. *c) How did you prepare for this test? *d) What is your goal grade? 5) Chapter 25 Vocab Test and Quizzes
TITLE: Page 159 Homework: NO HOMEWORK due to YOUR PREPARING FOR EOGS You will have a notebook check next week! I promise! Date: May 14/15, 2012 Titles: “We Didn’t Start the Fire” Page 158 RAP:”We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel List events, people, terms that you recognize from the song! WIO: List of terms of current day events or people you would include in a current version of the song WOW: 1)RAP 2) Write your own Version of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” use events from your life time How do artists represent what is happening in current day issues that will someday make History?
TITLE: What would significant people in US History do with a Facebook Profile? Page 161 Homework: EOY Review 1 on Historical People You will have a notebook check next week! I promise! Date: May 16/17, 2012 Titles: “Facebook Profile” Page 160 RAP: Who were your favorite people that we have studied? Why? Paragraph response WIO: WOW: 1)RAP 2) Work on Facebook Profile for any person in American History. Be as detailed and historically accurate as possible. Friends and wall posts can be from any time period.