COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides a comprehensive survey of American History beginning with the settlement of the American Colonies and concluding with the Reconstruction Era. Special emphasis is placed upon the political, social and economic factors affecting our national development. The US Constitution & the Bill of Rights receive careful attention.
INSTRUCTIONAL EMPHASIS Critical Thinking Critical Reading Critical Writing (analytical, persuasive & research based essays and papers). Sources: Selected Primary Source Readings/Historical Documents Selected Political Cartoons/Photographs – Text Book: The Americans.-Rarely used ---in class only
EVALUATION CRITERIA 60% Assessments for Learning -standard style tests, quizzes, poster projects, group presentations, political cartoons, essays, map projects, etc..-- Rubrics are used for all projects and papers. 40 % Participation, Preparation & Homework -Class Participation-Evaluated by teacher & Student. -Homework points per assignment. -(Friday/Holiday policy).
EVALUATION CRITERIA Additional assistance is available ANY DAY before or after school. Copies of all homework assignments, projects and rubrics will be posted on Mr. Porrino’s website.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS An overall average of 60 or better. A mid-term exam (1/10 th ) of overall grade. A final exam (1/10 th ) of overall grade.
PROGRESS Progress reports will be sent midway through each marking period. Special requests for progress reports may be made through the guidance office.
Thank You !!!