What is the purpose of the ExamBank CD-ROM? The ExamBank is computer software designed to assist teachers in preparing: Examinations Control tests Class tests Revision exercises
Benefits of using the ExamBank CD-ROM Time saving : Setting exams, tests and revision exercises is a time consuming activity. With the aid of the ExamBank, the teacher can set these in a matter of minutes.
Benefits of using the ExamBank CD-ROM Large database : The ExamBank program contains a large database of questions. Many possible exam and test papers are available to the teacher at the push of a button. A teacher can set between 4 and 6 full examinations in their subject without repeating a question.
Benefits of using the ExamBank CD-ROM Suggested Solutions : Suggested solutions/memoranda are automatically compiled each time you compile a new question paper. Specific Answer Sheets, Diagram Sheets and Data Sheets are automatically compiled for Accounting, Mathematics and Physical Science question papers.
Benefits of using the ExamBank CD-ROM Easy Editing and Printing : All the question papers and memos are compiled as Microsoft Word documents. This format makes it easy to edit and print the papers and memos. The teacher is also able to adapt the papers and memos by adding or changing questions.
Benefits of using the ExamBank CD-ROM New FET National Curriculum : Experienced authors have created the questions. Based on the structure and content of the new FET National Curriculum Statements ( NCS ), Learning Programme Guidelines ( LPGs ) and the Subject Assessment Guidelines (SAGs ). This should ensure that learners are tested on the relevant content and at the required level for their final FET examination.
The Maskew Miller Longman ExamBank CD-ROMS: Are NCS compliant Save the teacher time, as exams and tests can be set in minutes Contain a large database of questions created by experienced authors Automatically compile suggested solutions Allow the teacher to adapt the paper to suit his/her needs.
ExamBank CD-ROMs are available with the following Grade 11 FOCUS books: Focus on Accounting Focus on Agricultural Sciences Focus on Business Studies Focus on Computer Applications Technology Focus on Consumer Studies Focus on Economics Focus on Geography Focus on Hospitality Studies Focus on Life Sciences Focus on Mathematical Literacy Focus on Mathematics Focus on Physical Sciences Focus on Tourism History: Looking into the Past
EksamenBank CDs are available with the following Grade 11 VERKEN books: Verken Aardrykskunde Verken Besigheidstudies Verken die Verlede Verken Ekonomie Verken Gasvryheidstudies Verken Lewenswetenskappe Verken Natuur-en-Skeikunde Verken Rekiningkunde Verken Toerisme Verken Verbruikerstudies Verken Wiskunde Verken Wiskundige Geletterheid
ExamBank CDs are available for the following Grade 11 language subjects: Home Language A Re Sogeng Thari Afrikaans ons taal English in Context Isisekelo Solimi Simandi isiXhosa First & Second Additional Language Focus on English – First Additional Language Nuwe Afrikaans sonder grense Eeerste Addisionele Taal Nuwe Afrikaans sonder grense Tweede Addisionele Taal
GRADE 10 EXAMBANK CD-ROMs for all subjects featured in this presentation! available MARCH 2009