Access session recordings via A TechSession Kickoff: Summit Recap, State of the Org, and More Don Jones President and CEO,, Inc.
What We Do TechSessions TechLetter Summit (+recordings!) Q&A Forums Podcast VERIFIED EFFECTIVE exams Free eBooks Local user group support
TechSessions Scheduled monthly Will appear in Events calendar on Advanced reg will be required; up to 250 may register and up to 100 may attend live Recordings will be posted to new YouTube channel
Upcoming TechSessions June: Get to Know DSC Don Jones July: Best Practices for Script Design Don Jones August: Writing and Testing DSC Resources Steve Murawski September: Trend Reports in SQL and SSRS Don Jones Actively seeking presenters and topics. You don’t need to be an expert, just willing to share something you’ve done or discovered.
Summit N.A HUGE success! ~150 attendees, incredibly positive feedback Great Tuesday evening of Lightning Demos and almost the entire PowerShell team mingling with the did first demo of JEA and DSC-on-Linux If you missed this, you are sad.
Summit Europe 2014 Membership will open in July day event in September in Amsterdam; one track; up to 60 attendees max Mix of US and European speakers and PowerShell team members
Summit N.A Membership will open in Fall 2014 April at Microsoft campus in Charlotte, NC Max ~150 people – rapid sellout expected so start lining up your budget now. Mix of speakers and PowerShell team members
Association for Windows PowerShell Professionals Anyone who pays for the Summit will now be a member of AWPP Associate - $300 – VERIFIED EFFECTIVE exam and script peer review system access Full – $800 – exam, review system, and one annual Summit Global - $1450 – 2 exams, review system, and two annual Summits See May 2014 TechLetter for more details, and AWPP page on Full/Global memberships will be limited to the number of people we can accommodate at each Summit
Why AWPP? Running live events often incurs tax situations, especially in Europe Joining a professional association where the Summit is a free benefit helps avoid tax snarls… …but as we started looking at it, we started thinking a professional association is actually the right thing to do Education… Peer review… examination… a lot of what people have been asking for are commonly what a professional association delivers
VERIFIED EFFECTIVE Goes online in July or August 2014 You basically get a shell transcript of someone running a tool, and must duplicate that tool You’re graded by humans for style, and your transcript is compared to the model transcript for functionality Full guide will be online and reviewable before you take an exam. Initially open to Summit N.A alumni with voucher code, then AWPP members.
Exam Questions Will there be a way to upload my answer and “test” it to see if it passes? No – that kind of defeats the purpose of it being an exam. Your math teacher didn’t do this, and we won’t either. You get no feedback – it is pass/fail. This is intended to verify whether or not you meet a standard, not help you achieve it. This isn’t a training tool – it’s a verification of your skills. What if I failed but I think I should have passed? You and every student, anywhere, ever. You can challenge your score but are required to pay a deposit to do so. That is refunded only if a panel of 3 experts agree to reverse your score.
Paid Books Toying with the notion of a paid tier of ebooks These would be longer and more in-depth, and remain updated continuously You’d pay a yearly subscription to get access to the current edition (think $5-$20 depending on how many books are on offer) Authors would get $1-$2 per subscriber per year Would likely be included with AWPP membership of any level
State of the Org IndieGoGo campaign raised $10k+ for Summit recording equipment; purchasing and integration now underway Annual org budget ~$18k (will be posted on soon); primarily funded through AWPP membership dues, reducing sponsor dependencies Currently stable and self-funded; will continue to offer advertising to interested sponsors but should be less dependent Shareholder meeting coming up June 9 th – will elect Board of Directors
THERE IS SO MUCH GOING ON. You’re going to have a tough time keeping up. We’d like to help, but you have to at least connect.’s front page, in the right column, has social links. Twitter is best and easiest, but use whatever you like. If you’re not “checking in” we’ve no other way to keep you informed. At the very least, the monthly TechLetter lets us send you an with the latest happenings in the community. Also make sure you’re reading tier-1 resources like on at least a monthly basis.
Q&A We’ll be wrapping up in a minute with some final details and tidbits, but have set aside a few minutes to answer questions. Ask ‘em. We will likely use this venue for other “State of the Org” Q&A sessions from time to time, in additional to technical TechSession webinars.
Thank You TechSession schedule will be going live today – we’ll publish days out, and tweet YouTube channel will be going live this week Check the “Events” menu on for TechSession information and schedule and YouTube URL Please consider submitting a session to that’s the only way these will continue.