Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 Presentation by Jooske Vos
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 In Dublin Eve Pilt, chair of the working group memorized the long history of the topic of Restraints and coercive methods as follows: Seeds are planted in Paris, watered in Utrecht, Brussels and Porto; It is now time to harvest by presenting the final report. EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 2
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 At the Dublin EPSO-conference sept 2014 The EPSO working group on Restraints and Coercive methods Presented: Report of a Visit to Estonia (Estonian pilot) to test the EPSO Framework on Restraints and Coercive Methods in Health Institutions in Valkla, Tartu and Rõngu, Estonia, from March 30th to April 4th EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care3
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 The Working group announced as next steps: Report being published on the EPSO website – see link under EPSO working groups/ restraints ( Learn from the pilot and work with the EPSO Framework and standards for good practices in national practices ( by EPSO member states) follow up steps such as training etc on this topic in Europe and in the interested EPSO member countries. EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care4
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 After Dublin: Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs including Health asked EPSO to develop a training in Estonia; EPSO started a low key follow up project and discussed possibilities with the Estonian Ministry and the Inspectorate ( Health Board Terviseamet EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 5
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 After Dublin: Marjolein van Vliet and Thijs Melchior (Members of the working group) made a first proposal for a training for hospitals and health institutions based on: - the EPSO framework and Standards for good practice - the Vilans 80 alternatives to reduce restraints and coercive methods EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 6
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 After Dublin: The proposal was translated in English and Estonial A bilingual brochure was sent to all relevant hospitals and institutions in Estonia EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 7
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 The document looks as follows Course: Learn how to use all available instruments to strengthen freedom and reduce and recognise restraint in health and social care; Kursus: Õppige kasutama kõiki võimalikke vahendeid, et suurendada vabadust ning vähendada ja äratunda ohjeldusmeetmeid tervishoius ja sotsiaalhoolduses Dates of the Training: May 18th & 19th 2015 /Koolituse kuupäev: 18 ja 19 mai 2015 EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care8
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 First part of the course in Estonia Tallinn EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 9
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 Second part of the course in Utrecht (Reflection day) EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 10
Restraints and Coercive methods further developments since Dublin 2014 Follow up after the Estonian example (very small and low profile training): Maybe other EPSO members are interested to follow the Estonian example of good practice and are willing to support a training to reduce restraint and coercive methods in their country ?? Maybe other members of EPSO working group with their additional experience in this field could be involved in a follow up training?? EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 11
More information about the course folder Training voor Estland 2 languages.pdf Download Download Or EPSO secretariat EPSO European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health and social care 12