INTRODUCTION What is the definition of Phishing Hacking
An attempt to acquire information such as: Username Password Credit Cards details Communication purporting to be from popular social web sites, for example: Online Booking Ticket Flight
Is a form of illegal intrusion into computer systems Modifying computer software or data to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose People involved are known as hackers
Ways To Stop Computer Phishing and Hacking Good Password Selection Different accounts, different passwords Complex password Use Multiple or layered identity level of security 1 level id and password to access low security account and information Stronger authentication for higher risk account or information Use callback systems Dial the server’s telephone number; the modem can help to connect 1 computer to another. Use ‘’Know & Have’’ authentication Token Smartcard Biometric authentication
Phishing and unethical hacking are irresponsible acts. Always take safety precautions to avoid from becoming the victim in phishing and hacking activities. Never respond to an unknown asking for our private information. Only make transactions via secure websites that have ‘https’ or the padlock icon. CONCLUSION
CREDITS Hacking Image: I/AAAAAAAAArc/FhGmGFaXnXk/s400/hacking_big.jpgHacking Image: I/AAAAAAAAArc/FhGmGFaXnXk/s400/hacking_big.jpg Phishing Image: content/uploads/2011/08/protect-yourself-from-phishing.jpg Thinking Image: content/uploads/Thinking.jpg Information taken from: taken from:
CREDITS Background Music: "The Long Goodbye" by John Pazdan is licensed under a Creative Commons license: