LEAD Hazard Awareness Module II Protect Our Children
EPA Requirements Common renovation activities like sanding, cutting, and demolition can create hazardous lead dust and chips by disturbing lead-based paint, which can be harmful to adults and children.
EPA Requirements On March 31, 2008, EPA issued a new rule aimed at protecting children from lead-based paint hazards. The rule requires contractors and construction professionals that work in pre-1978 housing or child occupied facilities follow lead-safe work practices.
EPA Requirements The law takes effect April 22, 2010 Until then all contractors should follow these three simple procedures: Contain the work area Minimize the dust Clean up thoroughly
EPA Requirements Beginning in December 2008 contractors that perform renovations, repair and painting that disturb Lead-Based Paint provide the “Renovate Right:” lead information pamphlet to owners and occupants of child care facilities of children under age six that attend facilities built before 1978.
Who will be affected? The rule will affect: Renovation contractors Maintenance workers in multi-family housing Painters and other specialty trades In effect, anyone who gets paid to do the work
What facilities? Child care facilities are defined as residential, public or commercial buildings where children under age six are present on a regular basis The activity disturbs six square feet inside Or twenty square feet outside.
Property Owners You have the ultimate responsibility for the safety of your family, tenants, or children in your care. Mortgage Companies Insurance Agents Real Estate Agencies
EPA Requirements Property owner is required to have tenants sign a Pre-Renovation Disclosure form which indicates that the tenant received a Renovate Right pamphlet.
Information for Contractors Required to use lead-safe work practices Become “Certified” to perform lead activities Take training to learn how to perform lead- safe work practices Provide a copy of your certificate of training to your clients.
Protect Our Children Thanks for your time and attention