The DAME project Professor Jim Austin University of York
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME Origins Funded by EPSRC under the governments eScience initiative. Total government funds in eScience exceeds £220M Started as a result of existing work at the collaborators sites Built on the WRG metropolitan Grid Few of us were Grid experts at the start!
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME Project Partners EPSRC Funded, £3.2 Million, 3 years, commenced Jan UK pilot project for e-Science Aims to show the utility of Grid computing for data and compute intensive engineering problems A generic system applicable in many domains
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME Partners 4 Universities: –University of York, Dept of Computer Science (lead) –University of Sheffield, Dept of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering –University of Oxford, Dept of Engineering Science –University of Leeds, School of Computing and School of Mechanical Engineering Industrial Partners: –Rolls-Royce –Data Systems and Solutions –Cybula Ltd
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME Engine flight data Airline office Maintenance Centre European data center London Airport New York Airport American data center Grid Diagnostics Centre Operational Scenario
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME DAME Grid Challenges Building a demonstration system as proof of concept for Grid technology in the aerospace diagnostic domain. Two primary Grid challenges: –Management of large, distributed and heterogeneous data repositories; –Rapid data mining and analysis of fault data; Other key (commercial) issues: –Remote, secure access to flight data and other operational data and resources; –Management of distributed users and resources; –Quality of Service issues (and Service Level Agreements )
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME The Data Each flight could produce up to 1GB of vibration data This is archived in distributed data repositories (EDS)
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME Demonstrator Objectives The DAME demonstration system provides a diagnosis workbench (portal) which brings together a suite of analysis services via Grid technology; –Provides access to a range of analysis tools for the engine diagnosis process –Will act as central control point for automated workflows –Manages issues of distributed diagnosis team and virtual organisations –Manages issues of security and user roles.
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME DAME Service Overview QUOTE Data-Mining Decision Support Case Based Reasoning Novel Data R a w E n g i n e D a t a Vibration Shaft Speed Fuel Flow S e r v i c e D a t a P a r t s D a t a DAME Diagnostics Portal Grid Services Management Modelling/ Simulation O p e r a t i o n a l D a t a The Grid... AURA-G
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME White Rose Grid Distribution
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME – DAME Overview and System Demonstration The DAME Project (Professor Jim Austin) Engine Health Monitoring and QUOTE DAME System Demonstration (Dr Tom Jackson) – Coffee/Tea Break – Session 1 – DAME Grid Service Architecture and Grid Workflow Grid Service Architecture and Workflow Engine (Duncan Russell) Grid Service Development (Sarfraz Nadeem) Grid Quality of Service and Service Level Agreements (Dr Karim Djemame) – Session 2 – Decision support tools Grid deployment of Cased Based Reasoning Systems (Max Ong) Engine Modelling tools Xiaxou Xen) – Lunch
Distributed Aircraft Maintenance Environment - DAME – Session 3 – Grid based large-scale data mining & patterning matching services AURA-G search engine (Andy Pasley) Grid enabled pattern matching (Bojian Liang) Distributed Data Architecture (Mark Jessop, Andy Pasley) – Session 4 – Provenance and Workflow Support Capturing Provenance (Alison Mackay) Workflow Support (Max Ong) – Coffee/Tea Break –16.30 Session 5 – DAME Security and Dependability Grid Security (Howard Chivers) DAME Dependability Methodology (Martyn Fletcher) – Discussion