Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services SERVIAM Maintenance Framework Mira Kajko-Mattsson Department of Computer and Systems Sciences Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology Sweden 1 SERVIAM (co-operation with Skövde University and 14 software organisations)
Life cycle n Corrective maintenance n Perfective maintenance n Adaptive maintenance n Preventive maintenance Protests against this designation of life-cycle phases Bild 2 protests against this classification
Remedying interoperability problems n Predelivery Maintenance Stage. n Postdelivery Maintenance Stage. enhancive corrective reductive preventive emergency groomative feedback Predelivery Transition (handover) n Transition (Handover) Stage
A roadmap of evolution and maintenance 4
Support Line levels Development, Evolution and Maintenance Customer Process Help Desk Product Support Customer Front-end support Back-end support Support Line 1 Support Line 2 Support Line 3
Problems within Research n Choice of the right name for maintenance n Determination of a definition of software maintenance n Drawing a dividing line between development and maintenance n Choice of appropriate maintenance categories n No proper specialisations of maintenance process models for each maintenance category n Difficult to measure individual maintenance categories n Industrial maintenance processes are on a too coarse granularity level n Too little visibility into the maintenance process n Processes do not provide enough feedback for making process improvements 6 Problems within Industry
EM 3 7 Evolution and Maintenance MaturityModel (EM 3 ) Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model (CM 3 ) Enhancive Maintenance Maturity Model (EnhM 3 ) Preventive Maintenance Maturity Model (PM 3 ) CM 3 : Front-end Problem Management CM 3 : Emergency Problem Management CM 3 : Back-end Problem Management EM 3 : Predelivery Prerelease Process EnhM 3 : Enhancive Request Management Ready Outlined Under Development Future Outlined EM 3 : Release Management Process Outlined EM 3 : SLA Process CM 3 : Corrective Testing Outlined SERVIAM MAINTENANCE FRAMEWORK EM 3 : Education & Training Process Outlined
SERVIAM Maintenance Framework 8 n Suggests changes to the existing evolution and maintenance SERVIAM Maintenance Framework Organisational Changes Role Changes Process Changes
Method n Up-the-slope phase l Literature study l Panel (ICSM 2004) l Comparative study 9 n Down-the-slope phase l Construction l Evaluation of the SERVIAM Framework l Study a subset of industrial processes goto next
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services 10 Architectural perspektive Business perspective Product OrganisationRoles Processes back
A very simple example of a business process 11
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services 12 Architectural perspective Complete, self-contained, self-describing, and modular applications Loosely coupled, Implemented in different programming languages, Executed on different platforms Published, invoked and executed across the network Communicate via well-defined interfaces Building blocks in many different applications Can be reused within and outside the organisation
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services 13 Globalisation of today’s business. l The borders of businesses and business systems supporting them have moved towards the outer world. New business model for selling, using and paying for Web services Service market Ownership Dynamic, on the fly collaboration Multi-customer model Faster response to new business needs Architectural perspective Business perspective
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services 14 Architectural perspektive Business perspective Product Program understanding 40-60% of the total modification effort Web services are highly distributed Components may come from various organisations No clear-cut borders between systems and subsystems Limited insight into the product structure Understanding of WS systems will be more difficult.
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services Architectural perspective Business perspective Product Organisation Bild 15 Global maintenance organisation Evolution and maintenance will be out of the scope of one organization. l The new business model will change the way one views maintenance organizations l additional resources to manage the collaboration effort.
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services 16 Architectural perspective Business perspective Product OrganisationRoles n Traditional roles l module or system ownership n WS roles l WS are not always owned l WE NEED ROLES RESPONSIBLE FOR BUSINESS PROCESSES l Requirements on the competence development of the roles involved.
Matters Unique for the Evolution and Maintenance of Web Services Architectural perspektive Business perspective Produkt OrganisationRoles Processes Bild 17 Almost all processes will become affected. Greater reuse, high business volatility, limited process visibility. Greater reuse will accelarate the processes. The high business volatility introduces more dynamics and complexity. The multi-customer model will lead to more and contradicting change requests. Limited process visibility will lead to limited process control and increased dependence on other organisations. Process out of scope of one organisation. Emergency processes Enhancements Problems SLA processes Support Release Management Testing Configuration Management
Obstacles 18 n Limited insight into a product structure n Limited insight into the evolution and maintenance processes n Increased complexity of evolution and maintenance work n Unclear ownership n Dependence on other organisations n Ineffective team structure
How should we collaborate? Should we fuss with all these organisations?
Organisation n The high distribution of Web services and their owners should be tackled using Primary Contractors. 20 Business systems
Framework’s scope 21
Organisation and roles 22
Roles 23 Traditional role
Co-operation 24 Organisation 1 Organisation 2 SLA process Historical process data Contractor Profiles SLA documents
Emergency process model 25
All partners running their emergency processes 26 Task Force Group
Future 27 n Pilot study l Implement the SERVIAM Framework. l Study effects. l Revise and evolve the framework.