Intensive Home-Based Mental Health Services as Educationally Related Mental Health Services Presented by: Maggie Roberts and Suge Lee, Attorneys Disability Rights California
Intensive Home-Based Mental Health Services (IHBS)
1.New Era in Educationally Related Mental Health Services in California 2.Excellent Opportunity for LEAs to Expand Educationally Related Mental Health Services to Include IHBS
Katie A. Settlement & IHBS 1.Katie A. settlement in 12/2011 recognizes and defines IHBS: Info about the settlement is available on the Cal DSS website: 2.Settlement only applies to children with open foster care case who are full-scope Medi-Cal.
Katie A. Settlement & IHBS 3.However, the recognition of IHBS as an effective mental health service potentially benefits any child for whom these services are medically or educationally necessary.
Katie A. Settlement & IHBS IHBS are defined in of the Katie A. Settlement, Appendix D, pages 42-43, available on Cal DSS website: AStipulatedSettlement.pdf AStipulatedSettlement.pdf
Katie A. Settlement & IHBS IHBS : -are individualized, strength-based interventions designed to ameliorate mental health conditions that interfere with a child's functioning. -proven to reduce the need for costly residential placement and in enabling children to safely return home. -may be provided in home, school or community.
Types of IHBS Services
IHBS are based on individualized treatment plan and include more than counseling, such as: -Addressing social skills deficits and anger management through 1:1 on-site social skill teaching and modeling.
Types of IHBS Services -Helping develop network of social supports. -Educating and training the family to effectively manage education related behavior problems.
Why IHBS Should be Included in ERMHS
1.Schools have a duty under IDEA to provide “educationally related mental health services” (“ERMHS”). 2.The state settlement recognizes IHBS “as a highly effective” mental health service delivery model.
Why IHBS Should be Included in ERMHS 3.IHBS are extremely cost effective: -reduce the need for residential placement -are often provided by paraprofessionals
Why IHBS Should be Included in ERMHS 4.IHBS will help school meet their duty to educate students in the least restrictive environment. 5.IHBS are less stigmatizing to a student, who remains safely in his/her natural environment.
Why IHBS Should be Included in ERMHS 6.IHBS includes parent partners, who are peer support for the parents and will facilitate their engagement in the IEP planning process.
The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) is an organization of county governments working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. Prevention and Early Intervention programs implemented by CalMHSA are funded by counties through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop 63). Prop. 63 provides the funding and framework needed to expand mental health services to previously underserved populations and all of California’s diverse communities. CalMHSA