Recommendations for transfer from TISPAN to 3GPP SP For information Source: Goran Engstrom: TISPAN WG1 chairman Stephen Hayes: 3GPP SA Chairman Dick Knight: TISPAN vice Chairman & 3GPP SA1 co-convenor Enrico Scarrone: 3GPP SA1 co-convenor
2 Purpose of this document Summarize issues raised and lessons learned in the transfer of Common IMS deliverables from TISPAN WG1 to 3GPP SA1 Provide some recommendations to TISPAN and 3GPP for the transfer of remaining TISPAN common IMS related deliverables and text. Status of this document This document provides the views of the contributors only This document does not mandate any procedures to be applied in the future (e.g by TISPAN WG2, 3GPP SA2, etc.)
3 Contents Part 1 Preparation by TISPAN Part 2 Joint Meeting preparation Part 3 Joint Meeting activities Issues
4 Categories of TISPAN Documents TISPAN R2 documents wholly common IMS Transferred intact TISPAN R2 partially common IMS “Split” by moving text to annex (see later) TISPAN R1 open for maintenance “follows” process for R2 counterpart Documents in TISPAN R1 NOT opened for Maintenance Will be transferred at a later stage (not yet done by WG1 and SA1)
5 Handling of TISPAN Release 2 Deliverables for development by 3GPP in Release 8 WG1 Provided R2 Deliverables (WG approved) Demonstrates maximum stability in TISPAN Avoids delaying transfer process (due to TISPAN approval and ETSI publication) SA1 merged text into existing 3GPP TS. Drafting sessions in the Joint Meeting. Goal of Process: TISPAN R2 deliverable published intact. When 3GPP pass resulting R8 document for publication (by OP’s – e.g. ETSI), TISPAN deliverable (transferred) contents replaced by a reference to the (individual clauses or complete deliverable) ETSI publication of the 3GPP document. Ensures TISPAN Release documentation and other deliverables are unchanged by transfer.
6 Splitting TISPAN Release 2 Deliverables -1 Text to be transferred to 3GPP moved to Annex. Body retains clauses but clause contents is a reference to Annex E.g General services requirements As specified in Annex E subclause E Goal of Process: When ETSI publish the 3GPP (approved) TS containing the transferred text, the reference in the TISPAN TS (now published) is changed to a reference to the ETSI publication of the 3GPP document AND annex deleted E.g General services requirements As specified in Clause of [6]. (where [6] is ETSI TS " … “)
7 Splitting TISPAN Release 2 Deliverables -2 TISPAN Doc (WG approved) 3GPP merged Doc3GPP approved Doc ETSI Publishes TISPAN Doc Updated & ETSI Publishes Ref approval Transfer text CR Endorsing by reference approval Transfer to OP’s 3GPP Doc CR
8 Splitting TISPAN Release 2 Deliverables - 3 Recommendations Move text to be transferred into a single Annex No need to distinguish R1 text from R2 (or 3GPP R7 from R8)
9 Handling of TISPAN Release 1 Deliverables for maintenance by 3GPP Release 7 WG1 Provided R1 Deliverables (for Maintenance) SA1 created a new 3GPP TS to hold the TISPAN R1 document (as a 3GPP R7 document). New WID created, but no need to hold drafting sessions. TISPAN Text incorporated unchanged into new 3GPP document (only use is a reference by TISPAN) Goal of Process: TISPAN R1 maintenance deliverable published intact. When 3GPP pass resulting R7 document for publication (by OP’s – e.g. ETSI), TISPAN deliverable contents replaced by a reference to the ETSI publication of the 3GPP document. Ensures TISPAN Release documentation and other deliverables are unchanged by transfer. Maintenance of R7 document by 3GPP; not carried forward into R8.
10 Inputs to Joint Meeting TISPAN prepare overall explanatory document providing: joint meeting document number (TDOC), TISPAN document title and status in TISPAN (including transfer proposal) see S1T Recommendation – include version numbers of deliverables Each TISPAN document to be considered provided as a separate joint meeting document (TDOC). Recommendation – cover sheet and liaison not required, include info in “overall explanatory document” Individual Members Analyse 3GPP and TISPAN documents and prepare CR proposing “landing” sites for documents and text (Well in advance!!!!) Chairmen can help!
11 Joint Meeting Official part accepts principles for inclusion Drafting sessions (of proposed CR’s) to include TISPAN text Transfer of text (or complete deliverables) was agreed (in the joint meeting) to be a two step process: Step 1: Incorporate the TISPAN text in the relevant clause(s) of the relevant 3GPP document(s) Required clarification from TISPAN participants Step 2: Generalise text to be applicable to 3GPP as well as TISPAN (NGN) Recommendation – joint meeting must be held AT LEAST 2 DAYS Drafting sessions are vital to finalise the CR(s) integrating text Joint meeting part of a 3GPP WG regular meeting in order to endorse immediately the Joint meeting results.
12 Issues Technical Reports Not transferred (no Maintenance required) SA1 will use ETSI published TR as a study output Based on member contributions Recommendation – no need to transfer TR (or EG) Recommendation – Trace explicitly the WID that results from the TR Need to keep Joint Meeting efficient Avoid re-discussion of TISPAN text as part of transfer process (do it later in 3GPP meeting) Recommendation – use “2 step” text transfer process Maintaining TISPAN participation in 3GPP Recommendation – Agree principle of related groups NOT meeting in parallel Figures Live editing of figures is a pain! Recommendation – prepare figures if possible, if not agree to off-line editing
13 Conclusions TISPAN WG1 had a positive experience SA1 sympathetic to integration of TISPAN text TISPAN and 3GPP need to be flexible and to compromise Work at the concept level and do not be defensive about “my text” Integration needs to prepare the IMS for applicability to everyone not just TISPAN and 3GPP TISPAN input is a first start Need to get other SDO’s (etc.) to follow the TISPAN lead 3GPP benefits from a single source of requirements From SA2 point of view, only SA1 requirements need to be considered From CT point of view, only SA requirements need to be considered All companies (globally) benefit from a single solution for IMS
14 References 3GPP OP/PCG documents: (3GPP OP IMS Ad Hoc Group Report). (Report on Contents of Common IMS V2.0.0) (Summary of Recommendations on Common IMS Contents) (Report on Openning the IMS Requirements Process V2.0.0) (Summary of Recommendations on Open IMS Requirements) 3GPP SA1 & TISPAN WG1 Joint Meeting Documents