Initial plans for WP 4 KickOff Meeting ICT-AGRI 2
Initial plans for WP 4 Objective: Dissemination, online tools and sharing of good practices Description of Work: Task 4.1 Facilities for supporting activities in WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP5 (Lead: ILVO) Task 4.2 Facilities for ERA-NET management and internal communication (Lead: ILVO) Task 4.3 Implementation of search tool for Open Access repositories (Lead: MIPAAF) Task 4.4 Maintenance of open source version of Meta Knowledge Base (Lead: DASTI) Task 4.5 Dissemination (Lead: DASTI)
Task 4.1 Facilities for supporting activities in WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP5 (Lead: ILVO) Main activities: Development / modification of online tools for collecting and analysing mapping data for online consultation, discussions and voting for implementation of calls for networking Development of questionnaire and analysing tools for impact assessment WP1-5
Task 4.2 Facilities for ERA-NET management and internal communication (Lead: ILVO) Main activities: Development of tools for online management, communication and monitoring WP6: Management
Task 4.3 Implementation of search tool for Open Access repositories (Lead: MIPAAF) Main activities: Investigation and evaluation of existing Open Access facilities Description of the procedures for granting Open Access to a repository Implementation of an Open Access search facility in the Meta Knowledge Base Implementation of Open Access to the data in the Meta Knowledge Base Documentation and reporting Task 3.1: Assessment and support of Open Access for mapping and exchange of scientific and technical information (Lead: ILVO)
Task 4.4 Maintenance of open source version of Meta Knowledge Base (Lead: DASTI) Main activities: Upload of finalised tools to MKB on Drupal as modules Test of modules and quality validation of documentation, instalment guides and help facilities Evaluation of requirements for maintaining the modules after the end of ICT-AGRI-2 Reporting other ERA-NETs
Task 4.5 Dissemination (Lead: DASTI/BLE) Main activities: Development of a Dissemination Strategy including logos and report templates Maintenance of information in the ICT-AGRI-2 website Production and submission of Newsletters Publishing deliverables Wide distribution of Annual Action Plans and Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Contributions to the dissemination of applications, models and systems -agricultural policy community -funding and innovation bodies and mechanisms on the European and the national level
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2014 Timetable: Deliverables WP4 Documentation of new and updated tools in year 1 Dissemination strategy JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2015 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2016 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2017 Documentation of new and updated tools in year 2 Documentation of new and updated tools in year 3 Documentation of new and updated tools in year 4 Documentation and technical information + on Open Access search