Chapter 11 Section 1 Writing a Constitution 71 Date: 209- The following are Mrs. Luna’s notes. The students are to use them as a guide but to copy them verbatim is plagiarism which is a violation of the Copy right laws of intellectual property. Source of notes is the textbook: North Carolina in the American Experience © McDougal Littell
Chapter 11 Section 1 Writing a Constitution Objectives 1. Assess the weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation and how Shay’s Rebellion revealed these weaknesses. 2. Trace the discussions of the Constitutional Convention and identify the significance of the Great Compromise. 3. Examine how slavery was written into the Constitution. 4. Describe limits on the power of the president. 71 Date: 209-
The Articles of Confederation What was the first plan for a national govt? March 1781 All 13 states approved the Art. of Confed. Power divided btwn nat’l govt and state govt Who was given the greater power? Most power given to states Congress had little power. What powers did the states have? Each state had one (1) vote despite the population Regulate trade Collect taxes What powers did the congress have? Declare war Provide mail service Enter into treaties Coin money. Problems with Art of Confed. Congress could not pay costs of the Am. Rev. Could as for money but could not enforce payment Could not settle trade disputes Worried a foreign power could take over the new nation Summarize notes.
Shay’s Rebellion What were the causes? High taxes in Massachusetts People had to sell their land What happened?Daniel Shays and other farmers tried to seize guns stored in Springfield. Govt. sent troops to quell the rebellion What were the effects? Massachusetts requested help from Congress but Congress did not have the power to provide help. Connect to present day. Do you feel that present day Congress has too much or too little power? Explain and give specific examples with details. Do you feel that Congress has the right to interfere with what is normally left to the states? i.e. education, health care, other?
The Lost State of Franklin Why did NC give up some of its Land? Congress asked VA, GA, and NC to give up their western land to the govt. NC agreed. Cause; Govt wanted and land and people wanted to honor Ben Franklin. Effect: A state was named for Ben Franklin. A state constitution was created. John Sevier was elected governor. People were still loyal to NC so the state did not last. The state lasted four years. Questions arose about how to add new states to the U.S.
The Constitutional Convention is held. Describe the Constitutional Convention May 25, Pennsylvania 12 of 13 state – RI did not attend Wanted to make the Art. of Confed. stronger Confidential - Guards posted & windows closed Points discussedWanted govt. to be republic Fed govt. collect taxes Fed govt. regulate trade btwn states and other countries Govt. w/h 3 parts Congress – make laws President to ensure laws are followed Courts to try cases of national law No one section would be more powerful than other. ConcernsHow many votes should a state have? How to choose a president. How should power be divided btwn nat’l and state govt.
The Great Compromise Small States concerns Single assembly with equal representation Large States concerns Based on population SolutionConnecticut delegates suggested 2 houses Senate = 2 members elected by representatives House of Rep = elected by voters # based on population
Slavery in the Constitution 3/5 is the magic number North vs South. 3/5 Compromise NorthSlaves were not citizens and should not be counted. SouthWanted slaves to be counted towards population. Solution3/5 of the slaves population would be counted. Taxes: Representatives in HOR Who wants to ban slavery ? North said no to slave trade. Some Southern states wanted slavery banned. Congress could not ban slave trade until 1808
The Role of the President How is the president elected? Electors = Senators + Rep Who has the final say?The president signs a bill into law. President has the power to veto. 2/3 majority overrides a veto Ratifying the Constitution States had to hold conventions to decide if the Constitution would be approved. 9 out of 13 states needed to approve (ratify) the Constitution before it could go into effect. Summarize your notes
The U.S. Census How does the Census work? First taken in Census counts population for representatives in Congress. Many people avoided being counted for fear of raising taxes. Connect to present day is a Census year. Is it important to complete the Census and return it by April 1? Why or why not. Give specific details.