Articles of Incorporation (By-laws) Of The Church Of Christ Solano At Panlener Las Cruces, New Mexico Amended
ARTICLE I Membership The members of this corporation (hereinafter “Corporation”) shall be the members of the male heads of families members of the Congregation congregation of the Church of Christ, Solano at Panlener, Las Cruces, New Mexico (hereinafter “Church”). The members of this corporation (hereinafter “Corporation”) shall be the members of the male heads of families members of the Congregation congregation of the Church of Christ, Solano at Panlener, Las Cruces, New Mexico (hereinafter “Church”).
ARTICLE II Voting Each member of the family of the Congregation Church which is represented by a male head shall have one vote, which may be exercised only through such male head in corporate elections and other corporate affairs in which a vote of the membership is appropriate. Each member of the family of the Congregation Church which is represented by a male head shall have one vote, which may be exercised only through such male head in corporate elections and other corporate affairs in which a vote of the membership is appropriate.
ARTICLE III Officers The officers of this corporation the Corporation shall be a Board of Trustees, not fewer than 7 in number, who shall elect from their number a president, a vice president and a secretary President, a Vice President and a Secretary. These officers shall be made up of Elders of the Church to the extent possible. The Board of Trustees shall oversee Corporation matters, however, Spiritual matters of the Church are at the sole direction of the Elders. The officers of this corporation the Corporation shall be a Board of Trustees, not fewer than 7 in number, who shall elect from their number a president, a vice president and a secretary President, a Vice President and a Secretary. These officers shall be made up of Elders of the Church to the extent possible. The Board of Trustees shall oversee Corporation matters, however, Spiritual matters of the Church are at the sole direction of the Elders.
ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 1. President of the Board of Trustees. The President of the Board of Trustees shall preside over all meetings of the corporation and the Board of Trustees and shall have the deciding vote in case of a tie or to make a tie. He shall sign as President all contracts, conveyances and other instruments in writing which he has been duly authorized to execute. Section 1. President of the Board of Trustees. The President of the Board of Trustees shall preside over all meetings of the corporation and the Board of Trustees and shall have the deciding vote in case of a tie or to make a tie. He shall sign as President all contracts, conveyances and other instruments in writing which he has been duly authorized to execute. No Change
ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 2. Vice President. In the absence of the President, or in the case of his inability to serve in any manner, the Vice President shall possess all the powers and duties of the President. Section 2. Vice President. In the absence of the President, or in the case of his inability to serve in any manner, the Vice President shall possess all the powers and duties of the President. No Change
ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 3. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all the proceedings of the corporation and the Board of Trustees. He shall have the custody of all the books and records of the corporation Corporation and shall countersign all instruments in writing which are in usual corporate practice attested or or countersigned by the Secretary. Section 3. Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a record of all the proceedings of the corporation and the Board of Trustees. He shall have the custody of all the books and records of the corporation Corporation and shall countersign all instruments in writing which are in usual corporate practice attested or or countersigned by the Secretary.
ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers Section 4. Board of Trustees. The management and affairs and the property of the corporation Corporation shall be under the control of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall perform all necessary acts to acquire property, real and personal, for the corporation and, with proper authority of the corporation, may sell, encumber and convey property of the corporation Corporation, both real and personal.
ARTICLE V Meetings and Quorums Section 1. The Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall meet a the call of the president President, or a quorum of the Trustees. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. All Trustees shall be entitled to a notice of a meeting. Section 1. The Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall meet a the call of the president President, or a quorum of the Trustees. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. All Trustees shall be entitled to a notice of a meeting.
ARTICLE V Meetings and Quorums Section 2 Regular Annual Corporation Meetings. The regular annual corporation meeting shall be held within the first three weeks of January each year, in the Church edifice, at a time determined by the Elders of the Church Board of Trustees, and notice thereof shall be given by notice from the Pulpit at a regular Sunday service for at least two Sundays next preceding said day. A quorum for such meeting shall be 25% of the numbers of members of the corporation as membership is defined in Article I. Section 2 Regular Annual Corporation Meetings. The regular annual corporation meeting shall be held within the first three weeks of January each year, in the Church edifice, at a time determined by the Elders of the Church Board of Trustees, and notice thereof shall be given by notice from the Pulpit at a regular Sunday service for at least two Sundays next preceding said day. A quorum for such meeting shall be 25% of the numbers of members of the corporation as membership is defined in Article I.
ARTICLE V Meetings and Quorums Section 3. Special Meetings of the Corporation. The President of the Board of Trustees shall be empowered to call a special meeting of the corporation Corporation. A special meeting of the corporation Corporation shall also be called by the President of the Board of Trustees upon request of at least ten members of the corporation Corporation communicated to the Minister or the President of the Board of Trustees;...
ARTICLE V Meetings and Quorums Section 3. Special Meetings of the Corporation Continued…...s uch meeting shall be announced from the Pulpit at a regular Sunday service at least 48 hours previous to the time for which it is called; or every member of the corporation Corporation shall be notified in writing at least 48 hours in advance of such meeting; the notice either from the Pulpit or in writing as provided above to designate the time and place of the meeting. A quorum for a Special Meeting shall be the same as s quorum for the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE V Meetings and Quorums Section 4. Attendance of Minister. The duly elected or qualified Minister of the Church shall be qualified to attend all meetings of the Trustees or corporation if he so desires. Section 4. Attendance of Minister. The duly elected or qualified Minister of the Church shall be qualified to attend all meetings of the Trustees or corporation if he so desires. To Be Deleted
ARTICLE VI Elections Section 1. Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be elected at the Annual; Meeting of the corporation Corporation to serve for terms of one year each, or until their successor have been elected and qualified. As soon as practricable practical after the new Trustees have been qualified the retiring president shall call a meeting of the new trustees for their election of a president, Vice President and Secretary.
ARTICLE VI Elections Section 2. Nominations shall be from the floor. Section 3. Voting shall be viva voce. Section 3. Voting shall be viva voce. Section 4. First Election. At the Special Corporation Meeting at which these By-Laws are adopted there shall be held an election of trustees to serve for the remainder of the current year or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Section 4. First Election. At the Special Corporation Meeting at which these By-Laws are adopted there shall be held an election of trustees to serve for the remainder of the current year or until their successors have been elected and qualified. Section 4 to be deleted
ARTICLE VII Dissolution of Corporation NEW ARTICLE It is intended that the Corporation be everlasting and continual. However, in the unlikely event it should be decided by the remaining members of the Corporation to dissolve the Corporation, the members of the Corporation, by a majority vote, shall at that time decide that the assets, real and personal, of the Corporation shall be conveyed to the congregation of another Church whose goals and ideology are similar to those of this Church. In accordance with Article III of the Articles of Incorporation there shall be no monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise to the remaining members. It is intended that the Corporation be everlasting and continual. However, in the unlikely event it should be decided by the remaining members of the Corporation to dissolve the Corporation, the members of the Corporation, by a majority vote, shall at that time decide that the assets, real and personal, of the Corporation shall be conveyed to the congregation of another Church whose goals and ideology are similar to those of this Church. In accordance with Article III of the Articles of Incorporation there shall be no monetary gain, incidentally or otherwise to the remaining members.
ARTICLE VIII Amendments These By-Laws may be amended, added to, altered or repealed only at a regular annual meeting of the corporation or at a special meeting of the corporation called for that purpose. They may be amended by the will expressed in a vote of those present. The By-Laws may not be amended at such meeting unless two-thirds of the voting membership as determined in Article II is present. These By-Laws may be amended, added to, altered or repealed only at a regular annual meeting of the corporation or at a special meeting of the corporation called for that purpose. They may be amended by the will expressed in a vote of those present. The By-Laws may not be amended at such meeting unless two-thirds of the voting membership as determined in Article II is present. No Change
Corporation Articles Pager Footer These By-Laws are approved as amended this ___________ day of _______________, The foregoing By-Laws are passed, adopted and approved at a meeting attended by all of the incorporators S/ Curry Lynch Temporary Chairman s/ Charles R. Jennings Acting Secretary