Strictly Confidential In business to consolidate companies and industries to rapidly expand capabilities, sales, and equity UMeX X Manufacturing UMeX X Agriculture UMeX X Transportation UMeX X... United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos
Strictly Confidential Expand economic and business development Focus on geography of Mexico, U.S., and Canada Mexico’s star rising, Europe & Asia-Pacific require more competition Connect 2,000 small to medium size (SME) Mexican companies Focus on Manufacturing & Agriculture Rapidly establish a loyal and “sticky” single force Acquire Infrastructure, Technologies, and New Sales with size and volume leverage (2,000 SMEs at $5M = $10B) Further consolidate selected SMEs through Private Placements Motivation and Purpose United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos
Strictly Confidential Launched in Summer 2007 For profit - best suited to mobilize products, services, and funds Products and Services Infrastructure – Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing Technology Supply Chain and Connectivity Software Mexico’s Environmental Database Other requirements: Enterprise, Financials, eCommerce, Insurance New Revenues – From Umexx & 2,000 Companies Industries – Manufacturing & Agriculture UMeX X Customers (SME Suppliers & Shareholders) Primarily small to medium size businesses ($5M-$100M) Desire resources they cannot afford Compelled to win business from larger competitors “Without Umexx – their future is stagnant or long-term survival in jeopardy” United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos
Strictly Confidential Connect Mexico 2008 (USMCOC – UMEXX Alliance) USMCOC selects (with support from the Secretariat of Economy, Canacintra, and Umexx) the 2,000 COs through active meetings at all USMCOC chamber offices and other locations as provided by the Secretariat of Economy and Canacintra The 2,000 companies are connected to the UMEXX hub, then active promotion and visibility of the COs is provided including integrating the new capabilities (infrastructure, technology, and sales) USMCOC aggressively educates and trains COs (through seminars and other programs and services) with support from the Secretariat of Economy and Canacintra USMCOC will electronically publish quarterly connectivity results and other communications as necessary The 2,000 companies integrate and leverage the new capabilities United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos
Strictly Confidential United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos
Strictly Confidential Immediate Focus: Connect Mexico ,000 Mexican companies as One Force Industry priority – Manufacturing & Agriculture Enhanced capabilities – Infrastructure &Technology New Revenues – From Umexx & 2,000 companies Wins for Many – Mexico & Private Enterprise Summary United States Mexico Market Exchange UMeXXUMeXX United States Mexico Chamber of Commerce Cámara de Comercio México-Estados Unidos UMeXXUMeXX Making a Difference