A Step by Step Guide to Writing A Research Paper
Step 1: Choose a Topic Think about and read over what we have studied this past year, or outside authors you enjoy Create a list of authors and works that interest you Jot down possible questions you have about these topics i.e.: Could Coleridge have written poetry without the use of opium? Brainstorm: bounce these ideas off of a classmate or me
Step 2: Begin to Research Keep a notebook devoted to your research Search both print and internet sources and jot down notes MAKE SURE YOU COPY DOWN ALL BIBLIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL FOR YOUR SOURCES Use only websites that originate from universities Start with literary anthologies like NCLC, CLC Use author’s biographies and essay collections on their work Continue to write down questions as you take notes Your original topic will probably change during this point, that is normal- your topic may even change!
Step 3: Create a Focus (Thesis) As you are continuing to research and take notes consider: Are there any themes that arise in my sources? What is the most interesting to me? What am I finding the most information on? Create a focus that fully analyzes your topic. (creates a cause/effect relationship) i.e. John Keats’s poetry exhibits many melancholy and gothic characteristics because he wrote most of his work while dying.
Step 4: Gather Information That Supports Your Focus Continue to research Begin to refine your focus- remember-it’s ok if it changes slightly Begin to organize your information into logical groups
Step 5: Prepare to Write Begin to organize your notes into logical groups i.e. group autobiography into one section, notes on a particular novel into another Consider how each group contributes to your thesis statement Refine your thesis statement Weed out any irrelevant information: you will probably not use all of your research-decide what does not help you prove your argument
Step 6: Writing the Paper Create an outline that reflects your organizational groups i.e. Introduction-explain Body Paragraph 1-explain Conclusion-explain Begin to write: fill in the outline with the information groups you have created in your research
Step 7: Revise and Proofread After your have written the paper revise for grammatical errors, consistency, analysis, and flow You will have the opportunity to edit with a partner You should write at least 3 drafts Make sure the paper follows MLA format