2011 Staff Surveys Results National NHS Staff Survey Sunday Times Best Companies Interim Results 23 rd February 2012
2011 Staff Survey Results National NHS Staff Survey 2011 – undertook sample, 491 completed –2011 DCHS: 58.8% response rate (sample) –2010 DCHS: 58.8% response rate (full census) –2009 DCHS: 60.3% response rate (full census) Sunday Times Best Companies 2011 Survey –37.33% response rate that equates to 1805 staff completion of survey
National Staff Survey Question areas: –Work-Life Balance –Training, Learning and Development –Your Job and Organisation –Errors, Near Misses and Incidents –Violence, Bullying and Harassment –Occupational Health and Safety –Infection Control and Hygiene –Health and Well-Being –Background d etails
National Staff Survey Scores significantly worse than 2010 survey –Training has not helped me stay up to date with my job –No appraisal/KSF in last 12 months –Not enough staff at trust to do my job properly –Not supported to keep up to date with work developments –Felt pressure from manager to come to work despite not feeling well enough
Scores significantly better than 2010 –Elearning/online training in past 12 months –Equality and diversity training –Training on how to handle confidential information –Training in advising patients on condition/medication National Staff Survey
Net Promoter I would recommend my trust as a place to work 61.1% (61% 2010) –27.3% Neither disagree nor agree –11.4% disagree or strongly disagree If a friend or relative needed treatment, I would be happy with the standard of care provided by this Trust 76.5% (75%) –18.1% neither agree nor disagree –4.7 disagree or strongly disagree (0.8 strongly)
Areas of focus Appraisal completion and quality Health and Wellbeing of staff – links to Every Staff Contact Counts project To maintain and build on our net promoter results
Sunday Times Best Companies Engagement Specialist Survey Deep dive into key areas Broken into 8 key factors that contribute to engagement Classified as a ‘one to watch’ organisation if achieved full response rate Scoring on a scale of 1 – 7: max 7, min 1 7 represents strong agreement with all positively phrased questions and strong disagreement with all negatively phrased questions
Demographic Percentage of Surveys* No. of Responses Chief Executive/Administration 5% 88 HR and OD 4% 74 IMT & Finance 6% 104 Quality 3% 54 Health Promoting Environments & Services 7% 120 Health Wellbeing & Inclusion 16% 296 Integrated Community Based Services 24% 442 Outpatient & Day Case Services 15% 271 Strategy 1% 26 Medical 9% 155
Summary Key focus areas from Sunday Times Best Companies survey –Leadership and Managers –Focus on ‘giving something back’ and staff wellbeing
Conclusions and recommendations Combining the results provides a rich picture of where to focus our efforts: –Leadership/management –Appraisals –Staff Wellbeing –Communication – show how using results to make changes and improvements in those key areas