$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Maori Tourism Rotorua What’s that Name? Rotorua Statistics Rotorua Spatial Rotorua Factors Bringing Change Rotorua
Maori charged wealthy visitors to paint or draw which named natural feature in 1885? Category 1: $100: Q
The Pink + / or White Terraces Category 1: $100: A
‘Maori Guides showed visitors around Te Tarata during the Pioneer Phase’. Into which named part of the Tourism Development Process Model is the above statement best suited to fit? Category 1: $200: Q
Industry Regulators Category 1: $200: A
Identify the term for ‘an interactive experience that hotels and other venues offer tourists of an evening that promotes aspects of the Maori culture today’. Category 1: $300: Q
Hangi + Concert Category 1: $300: A
Identify ONE type of souvenir that was culturally unacceptable to Maori in the 2 nd half of the 20 th C. that was sold in Rotorua to tourists anyway. Category 1: $400: Q
Chief’s head candle; Chief’s head emblazoned on a tea towel; OR similar item, typical of 20 th C. Category 1: $400: A
Give the Maori word for the following concept: ‘The importance to Maori of maintaining the host : guest relationship...’ Category 1: $500: Q
Manaakitanga Category 1: $500: A
What’s the name of the local council that has a department called ‘Destination Rotorua’? Category 2: $100: Q
Rotorua District Council (only answer). Category 2: $100: A
During the Mt. Tarawera eruption of 1886 that destroyed the ‘8 th Wonder of the World’, a hydrothermal eruption occurred on which named lake? Category 2: $200: Q
(Lake) Rotomahana Category 2: $200: A
What technical name was given to ‘the study of the application of mineral waters for the relief of arthritis’ etc.? Category 2: $300: Q
Balneology Category 2: $300: A
Name the major tourist site on Mt. Ngongotaha where visitors go lugeing. Category 2: $400: Q
Skyline Skyrides Category 2: $400: A
Name the area where visitors to Rotorua are able to have free access to a myriad of cycle tracks with varying degrees of difficulty. Category 2: $500: Q
Whakarewarewa Forest Category 2: $500: A
State the years when the Development Phase of the Tourism Development Process Model operated. State your answer as follows: “From (year) ___ to (year) ___”. Category 3: $100: Q
Category 3: $100: A
Identify the name of this emerging tourist market in Rotorua: “Numbers up 28,800 to 63,000 in Feb. 2013” Category 3: $200: Q
Chinese market Category 3: $200: A
Identify Rotorua’s BIGGEST market by NAME. (You decide if it’s domestic or international). Category 3: $300: Q
Auckland. Category 3: $300: A
How many tourists visited Rotorua during the Pioneer Phase? Category 3: $400: Q
<1000 Category 3: $400: A
In 1908 when the Bath House opened, which specific type of tourist came in the doors each day? Category 3: $500: Q
Medical tourists (both domestic and international). Category 3: $500: A
Which spatial term best describes the ‘Motel Mile’ development along Fenton Street? Category 4: $100: Q
linear development of accommodation Category 4: $100: A
Give ONE spatial term for the distribution of the following tourist sites: Agrodome and Agroventures. Category 4: $200: Q
Cluster OR concentration of tourist activities Category 4: $200: A
Which spatial term best describes the locations of exclusive lodges in Rotorua? Category 4: $300: Q
On the periphery; secluded; dispersed. Category 4: $300: A
Which spatial term best describes the distribution of geothermal active zones in the Greater Rotorua area? Category 4: $400: Q
Random distribution; where nature put them. Category 4: $400: A
If peripheral is ‘on the edge’ what is the complementary word for the distribution of backpacker lodgings in the CBD? “In the ____.” Category 4: $500: Q
In the CORE Category 4: $500: A
On which river was hydro-electric power made that brought electricity to Rotorua? Category 5: $100: Q
Kaituna R. Category 5: $100: A
What is the monetary term for ‘the changing value of money’ that determines how much disposable income an international tourist will have to spend in the Rotortua? Category 5: $200: Q
Exchange rate Category 5: $200: A
Give ONE result of summer algal blooms on L. Rotoiti (in the late 20 th C.) on tourism operators? Category 5: $300: Q
Decline in trout numbers negatively affected the number of anglers = loss of business; Sight-seeing launch trips cancelled owing to the weed growth / smell / ‘bad look’; Declining numbers of tourists meant that businesses on the lake lost income. Category 5: $300: A
What geographic term is used to describe : “Visitor numbers soar during Summer and dive during Winter”? Category 5: $400: Q
Seasonality Category 5: $400: A
Give the geographic concept for “the rise in tourist demand for eco-friendly hosting and business management that benefits the environment.” Category 5: $500: Q
Sustainability Category 5: $500: A