NCAA – NFHS Rule Differences
2 Equipment Crosse head max width 6 ½” 6” Tape No tape on head if used for faceoff 6” contrasting on shaft if used for faceoff No tape on head. Shooting Strings Limited to 2” hanging 4” from top (2016) Limited to 2” hanging 4” from top Gloves All players must have same color Eye Shade One solid stroke. No words. No mention Jewelry Prohibited unless religious or medical and taped. Permitted unless deemed dangerous Tinted Eye Shield Not permitted. Allowed only for documented medical condition
3 Penalties USC 2 nd NR USC = Expulsion & 3 minutes 2 nd USC = Usual penalty, no expulsion Checks to the head or neck Min 2 min NR Min 1 min NR Checking a defenseless player Min 2 min NR Could be 1 to 3 min Unnecessary Roughness Loose ball personal foul Immediate whistle & flag Immediate whistle & flag if no flag already down. FDSW if there is already a flag down & both fouls on defense. End of Flag Down Ball leaves attack area Ball touches the ground (not on a shot) A shot is completed Defense gains possession Play continues until usual condition for stopping play or defense gains possession.
4 Play of Game Mercy Rule Running time if 12 goal lead in 2 nd half. Starts on next whistle. None Faceoff violation Restart at Center X Restart at spot of ball 3 rd violation in 1 half is 30 second penalty Faceoff – pinch & pop Ball must come out of back of crosse cleanly Must move ball from back of crosse within 1 step. Faceoff mechanics Down, Set, Whistle 2 officials, put players down, place ball & say set, back out & whistle Goalie return to crease Always gets 5 seconds to return None Number of Players Game cannot continue if less than 7 players No mention
5 Play of Game Restarts Everyone must be 5 yards away Defense can restart in box Foul by B after ball crosses endline is not moved OOB. Defense must establish 5 yards at some point Defense can restart in box. Offense must move ball out of box. Time Outs Permitted Player in possession must be below restraining line No timeout for team not entitled to possession if dead ball in field of play. Goal Counted Must cross goalline before expiration of time. Must be released before expiration of time.
6 Play of Game Clearing 20 seconds to midfield 10 seconds to attack area 30 seconds Flag Down & pass by offense enters own goal No Goal Goal Challenging the application of a rule Permitted. If appeal is denied, coach is charged a timeout or technical No mention. Coach can speak to officials only during halftime. Ball crossing midfield Get-It-In / Keep-It-In if intentional once in attack area. Turnover unless touched by defense or a shot.
7 Technical Fouls Illegal Procedure Taking a dive or feigning a slash in order to deceive an official Player without equipment in scrimmage area Stop play. Award ball to team in possession or AP if loose. Stop play. Technical foul if ball is loose or by defense. Stalling Get-It-In / Keep-It-In Automatic in last 2 minutes Can be used with a man down. 30 second shot clock Resets to 10 if offensive timeout Resets to 30 if defensive timeout or foul Put on in increments of 10 on the clock. Not used if teams uneven