Monkey Island Chapter 7 “Out Cold”
1.Where did Clay find his jacket? How did it get there? Clay found his jacket in a tree. It was tied into the tree by the vandals.
2.Although Buddy found a place in a church basement for Clay and him to stay after their place in the park was vandalized, Calvin disappeared. Where do you think he went? Why? This is your opinion.
3. Why do you think Clay and Buddy broke into the church? What did they do there? They broke into the church for safety and warmth. They were going to sleep there for the night.
4. How had Clay’s attitude changed the morning after they’d spent the night in the church? He was ready to give up and let someone help him. He wanted to go someplace where he wouldn’t need to walk around all day hungry and then sleep in some hole at night.
5. How did Buddy usually set off each morning? What had changed this time? Buddy was usually optimistic, but now he was down.
6. How does Clay feel as he is leaving the church? Clay now feels not hungry (which is unusual for him), but dizzy and hot.
7. Where did Clay and Buddy finally find Calvin? By the crate in the park, under a heap of wood and rags.
8. Who got taken away in the ambulance? Calvin got taken away in the ambulance.
9. Why did Buddy ask Gerald to get a taxi for Clay? Why was Buddy willing to let Gerald take Clay away? Taxis would not stop for a homeless man like Buddy. Gerald would be able to get Clay the proper care that he needed.
10.What do you think the author meant by, “Something inside him was loosening like a knot untying itself? This is your opinion.