Mrs. Thomas, Librarian
Meet Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Thomas has been a fifth grade teacher, and has taught fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Math, Science and PE. She has been a librarian at the public library in Gulf Shores, and has worked for Faulkner State as a reference librarian. Her favorite book is Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.
Library Rule #1: Act Appropriately Come in quietly. Put books you have finished on the circulation desk. Be seated at a table and listen for directions. When it is time to check out books, quietly go to the shelves and choose 2 books. After choosing your books, sit at your table and read. When instructed, take your books to the circulation desk for check out. Return to your seat and read quietly.
Library Rule #2: Speak Appropriately Remember, all libraries are quiet places where people go to read, study and learn. Respect other people’s rights to a quiet place. Raise your hand to ask a question.
Library Rule #3: Follow Directions Be seated and listen for directions. During all library activities, follow all steps and procedures. If you are unsure of what to do, please ask Mrs. Thomas.
Library Rule #4: Be Responsible Take care of your library books. They are school property. Use a bookmark to save your place. Keep your books away from pets and babies. Keep books in a safe place. Return books on time so that other students may enjoy the books too. Keep books in proper order so that others are able to find what they need. If you cannot find where to put a book, take it to the circulation desk.
FICTION BOOKS Arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Junie B. Jones by Barbara Park F Par
NONFICTION BOOKS Arranged by the subject. Books are in counting order, using the Dewey Decimal System.
Consequences Remember, you are expected to follow all library rules and procedures. First offense: Receive a warning. Second offense: Fill out a conduct card to be sent to your teacher.
A.R. All AR books are labeled with the reading level and points. If a book does not have an AR label, there is no test for the book. BL: 5.5 Points: 4
AR PRIZES Each time you earn 20 points, you will come to the library on Friday for prizes. If you earn 100 points, you will receive a medal at Awards Day. If you earn 200 or more points, you will receive a trophy at Awards Day.
Read, read, read! If it is not your regular library time, your teacher may allow you to come to get 2 more books. Remember, bring 2 books back and check 2 books out so you will always have an AR book to read. If Mrs. Thomas is having a class, just leave your 2 books on the desk and pick out new books. Write your first and last name, your library number, and the bar code numbers on the front of the books. Then walk out quietly without disturbing the class.
Checkout Sheets
Happy Reading! Set reading goals, and read every day. We look forward to a great year with you in the library.